Knowledge Base ← Feedback, ideas, and support for Squid How To - Edit Actions → How do I select an object? How do I delete objects on a page? How do I copy something to the clipboard? How do I paste something from the clipboard? How do I cut (copy and delete) something? 8 articles → How To - General → How do I access the Squid settings? How do I get the tool I have chosen to work with my finger? How do I edit / delete text? How do I change the font size of text? How do I change the color of objects on a page? 24 articles → How To - Images → How do I add / insert an image? How do I move an image? How do I crop an image? How do I rotate an image? How do I change the size of an image? 6 articles → How To - Note/Notebook Organization → How do I create a note? How do I create a notebook? How do I move notes between notebooks? How do I trash (delete) a note? How do I delete a notebook? 15 articles → How To - Page Management → How do I open the page actions menu? How do I add / insert a page? How do I move or rearrange pages in a note? How do I duplicate / copy a page? How do I remove / delete a page? 8 articles → Miscellaneous → What is a Squid Note (.squidnote) file? Why is Papyrus now called Squid? I want my finger to write/draw. Why does it keep erasing things? What Android permissions are required by Squid? How does the Samsung multi-window feature work? 15 articles → Pen Support → What kind of pen/stylus do I need? What is a passive or capacitive pen/stylus? What is an active pen/stylus? What can I do with my pen side button? Which Chromebooks / Chrome Tablets work best with Squid? 9 articles → Premium → What is Squid Premium? What are the premium paper backgrounds? PDF Import Tool Pack Cloud Backup 22 articles → Education FAQ → How do I deploy Squid to managed Chromebooks? Does Squid work with Google Classroom and Google Drive? How do I open a PDF assignment from Google Classroom in Squid? How do I export a note as a PDF to turn in using Google Classroom? What grade levels can use Squid? 11 articles → Education Use Cases → Teachers - Use a tablet as a virtual whiteboard Teachers - Grade student papers Students - Do math or science homework. Students - Trace a picture. Teachers (or Students) - Give a presentation with annotations 18 articles → All articles → What kind of pen/stylus do I need? How do I add / insert an image? How do I select an object? How do I access the Squid settings? Teachers - Use a tablet as a virtual whiteboard 136 articles →