How do I open a PDF assignment from Google Classroom in Squid?

First, you need the PDF Import premium feature in order to import any PDF into Squid. See How do I make a bulk purchase of Squid Premium for my classroom, school, or organization?

We recommend installing the Android versions of Google Classroom and Google Drive from the Google Play Store. You might need to have your administrator approve these apps for your devices.
  1. Open Classroom (the Android app) and choose an assignment.
  2. Tap a PDF attached to the assignment. This opens the PDF in the Classroom PDF viewer.
  3. Tap the "Open in Drive" icon (box with an arrow pointing to the top right). This opens the PDF in the Drive PDF viewer.
  4. Open the overflow menu (), tap Open with, then choose Squid.
For a video tutorial demonstrating the above steps, see Squid - Google Classroom.

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