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350 results found
Make pen color transparent. Not highlighters.
I want to write down with transparent pen, not highlight. Highlighters have retangular ends and I don't like it. Add transparency adjust bar.
126 votes -
Extend PDF whitespace margins
Extend the white-space margins of a PDF to allow for more notes
118 votes -
Image editing
In image editing freely select only the required parts to enable cutting, moving, and deleting.
117 votes -
Predefined pen size
Look, for the app to improve its usability, take this idea: put three predefined pen sizes that can be changed by the user, because there's no point in running your finger over the bar every time you want to change the size of the pen.
111 votes -
Hideable, Moveable, or Floating Toolbar
Being left-handed, I find writing at the top of a page to be very frustrating since my hand rests right over the back button on the toolbar. I'll often get kicked out of a doc from the side of my hand hitting the back button once my pen is far enough from the screen to stop rejecting touches. Being able to move the toolbar to the left or right hand side of the screen and/or being able to hide it altogether would be a great feature to resolve issues like this. I think above both of these, a floating, minimizable…
105 votesThis is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor.
Automatic straight lines for pen and highlighter
It would be so much useful having the opportunity to quickly draw straight lines (e.g. keeping pressure on the screen for a second at the end of the line drawn) with both pen and highlighter. The second one would be so much needed when it's necessary to highlight PDFs without making a mess with not perfectly straight lines.
105 votes -
102 votes
Shapes with fill colors
The ability to chose a color for the fill of a shape, at leat for the shape tool.
101 votes -
Infinite page layout with option of vertical only scroll or horizontal only scroll
I want to just keep writing fast and scrolling down but not have to think about text alignment or that my paragraphs are skewing to the left or right. A "lock margins" option would be nice.
98 votesThis is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor.
Snap To
I am loving the addition of the drawing tools. Thank-you. A natural progression would be to add a "Snap To" function to enable users to snap objects to the grid (graph paper) or objects to other objects.
96 votes -
Rotate and mirror option for shapes and selections
Transform window should include rotate and mirror option for any kind of selection or shape
92 votes -
Move / reorder multiple pages at once
It would be great to speed up page reordering by moving an entire group of selected pages instead of having to move them one by one.
91 votesThis is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor.
Support clicking links in PDFs
I'd like to be able to import a PDF with interactive links and click those links in Squid to jump to a different part of the note (just like it works in a PDF).
89 votes -
paint bucket tool to fill areas
because when i try to fill an area it's to hard to color the area without overwriting the edges
87 votes -
perform intelligent cutting
I hope to add the function of automatically detecting the text in the picture when cutting and perform intelligent cutting.
84 votes -
Add a color picker tool
I often have multiple projects going on at once with different colors and some times I'll lose them in recent colors. It would really help out. Thanks!
79 votes -
quick colour change via tools like brush
I hope to add the function of modifying the handwriting effect, such as colour, to achieve the function of rapidly modifying the handwriting effect. For example, we can use a tool like brush to change the colour of handwriting rapidly and conveniently. The original function of selecting and modifying the color is rather tedious, and a small part of the modification is acceptable, and a large number of modifications will consume time and energy.
78 votes -
Highlighters could be placed under the writing
It feels weird when the highlighter is "above" the writing, bc It gets kinda foggy, so I would be 100% better if the highlighter, when drawn, be placed under the writings.
74 votes -
Add option to completely disable touch input on the writing area
Other programs (like write) offer the ability to turn on an option to reject all touch input not from the pen (including any zoom). I notice that when I put my hand on the page to write the program constantly recognizes my meaty paw as fingers trying to zoom (even though I disabled zooming in options). I would like this ability to prevent the page from moving around when I am trying to write.
69 votesThis is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor.
Add brush styles and opacity : it allows for highlight, pressure pen, neon, embossed, spiderweb...
It would be nice to get more brush styles. The pressure sensitive option would be one possible style. Highlighting would be another one. In FreeNote, there is also the spiderweb, the neon and the embossed brushes that are very interesting.
68 votes
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