paint bucket tool to fill areas
because when i try to fill an area it's to hard to color the area without overwriting the edges
Anonymous commented
modalità di riempimento automatico per colorare qualcosa e riempire con dei colori alcune forme geometriche o disegni! Senza dover colorare con l'evidenziatore come ora
Philipp Kimmig commented
Momentan gibt es nur den Stift und den Marker, ich wünsche mir einen "Eimer", mit dem Mannn Formen etc ausfärben kann. Der Linien erkennt und es ermöglichst bsp ein Rechteck schnell auszufüllen mit einer Farbe. So wie bei Gimp.
Kira Handtmann commented
This is really necessary and probably not that hard to implement!
Brenton Wiberg commented
Would love to be able to fill with a paint bucket, or do gradients! I am an architect and use this for drafting details. Being able to fill with a hatch pattern would make me soooooo happy.
Ryan Silberman commented
I would love this feature Any News?
SeyedZahir Qazavi commented
squid is the best handwriting app. thank you guys!
please add a feature to able colouring a closed shape, like circle, square or anything else. -
Victoria commented
Herramienta para rellenar líneas cerradas de color
Marshall Patrick commented
It's been almost 6 years since the idea was 1st suggested to you guys! What's the deal? Also, like someone else mentioned, the outline lines need to stay on top of the color fill when filling in shapes... manually of course, since we do not have a paint bucket tool.
John Roberts commented
YES!!! You could do this by offering two pallets. By remaining on the first pallet, colors blend. Switch to the second and they won't. Also, the colors in that fill pallet obfuscate the black (or other) line colors way too much. Instead of going over the lines, the lines ought to appear on top. Some fill colors cake too much color on the draw lines. These are the two worst problems with Squid Notes.
hes11th commented
I agree, they ought to do this at some point. I can more or less deal with it for now but after they get to other more important features they'd ought to do this.
Anonymous commented
Needed Indeed !