View whole page while scrolling
As opposed to seeing a checkerboard until the scrolling stops. I imagine it's a processing issue to load that much at once, but even seeing a blurry image of my work will speed up navigation around the document.

3_Pancakes commented
Kind of unfortunate considering this is what makes squidnotes quite unique.
3_Pancakes commented
Unlike most other suggestions, this one is as people have said *essential* and without some solution scrolling currently looks atrocious.
3_Pancakes commented
Scrolling currently looks atrocious, and I wouldn't mind sacrificing a bit off performance for the doc to even just render more than what is being shown so you are not immediately met with a checkerboard.
Michael A. Perlin commented
This is absolutely *essential*, and it's the only reason I'm not using (and paying for!) Squid.
Andy Wang commented
I would also very much appreciate this feature. As it is, scrolling while zoomed in feels very choppy, and zooming in and out is tedious as well. As others have mentioned, this also makes it difficult to search for items in a large note.
Nera commented
How is this comment from 2014? This is still the case and its so annoying. I love the app, but this is the reason I rather stick to One Note.
Tamás Jutasi commented
Why is this still a thing, I like the app but it's really frustrating to scroll and not seeing anything
Peter DeVita commented
I would think that modern devices should be able to keep up with this. Maybe have a settings switch to enable/disable depending on if a user feels they are seeing a performance hit?
Anonymous commented
The would make it way easier to quickly find content in a large note. I really need this for my larger meeting notes.
Andrew commented
This could dramatically improve the user experience for personal and presentation use that can further differentiate Squid from other note-taking apps.
Andrew commented
This would significantly help with showing where I am located on the page and provide a smooth user experience.
Andreas Kalin commented
This is the second most annoying thing about the app. Especially since the lack of palm rejection causes the canvas to move around all the time. It can take more than a second before the content becomes visible.
Robert Buchberger commented
Scrolling around on a page is unnecessarily tedious, because nothing new is rendered until you completely stop scrolling. This is exacerbated by the "slowly coast to a stop" behavior, which while smooth, only makes the user wait longer before getting to see whatever it is they're scrolling to see.
Suggestion: If possible, render new parts of the page while scrolling. If not possible, eliminate coasting when scrolling to improve responsiveness.
Anonymous commented
Currently when trying to quickly scroll through a document in shows a checkboard pattern which is very distracting. There needs to be an option to keep the other parts of the document loaded in memory.
Colin commented
Came here to post about this. Sad to see it has been asked for since years and not implemented. If this is a performance issue on lower end devices just make it an option.
Mike commented
Can't overemphasize this problem enough if you want to support your serious users.
Anonymous commented
I'm really surprised there aren't more votes for this suggestion. It is REALLY necessary
Anonymous commented
I have shared this idea already. Consolidate the votes.
Roberto commented
I am surprised too. It is unpleasant. I don't undestand why not people said before.
Igor commented
Please address this issue. It is really incomfortable for note taking, especially when writing lecture notes. I find that quite often I need to check the text written above and it bothers me to wait for rendering finished.