Add option to completely disable touch input on the writing area
Other programs (like write) offer the ability to turn on an option to reject all touch input not from the pen (including any zoom). I notice that when I put my hand on the page to write the program constantly recognizes my meaty paw as fingers trying to zoom (even though I disabled zooming in options). I would like this ability to prevent the page from moving around when I am trying to write.

This is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor.
Giovanni Panaro commented
Still want this 8 years later!
Nicolas Chagnet commented
This should really be implemented!
Anonymous commented
nothing happened with this?
Anonymous commented
I think you provided this function past several years before.
Anonymous commented
My palm keeps adding lines when I try to write. Hopefully you can add a feature to disable palm recognition. Just like on Inkredible app
JTS commented
I am left handed - when i write with the S-Pen some of the written words is deleted from the part of my hand which touches the screen on my Galaxy note pro. Getting rid of this like in S-Note would make this app the number one in my opinion.
Anonymous commented
Yea, a lot of times I accidentally scroll the page if I put my palm down on it. Super annoying. Would love to see the devs give us the option to disable this.
Wheel Barrow commented
I get caught out wihen putting my hand on page, even with zoom locked. The only way to truly prevent this is to have the whole page in view so there is nowhere to pan to.
A dedicated button for pan/zoom would solve this. -
Anonymous commented
This is a major feature that Papyrus doesn't have. I would really like this feature being added in a further update.
Heide Ruehle commented
I agree!!!
Anonymous commented
If Zooming is disabled, you may still move using two fingers. There should be an option to disable this, too.
Rex commented
This would make this app a serious contender with s-note for me. Using the Galaxy Note to take notes for my work and in order to write properly I need to place my hand onto the screen! That said... Well done!
Tony Lu commented
Yes, just like on the Samsung S note app