Ruler tool

Canal da Rapha PT commented
I'm starting to think this'll never be implemented.... Since 2015 and nothing yet...
Nikki commented
That's one thing, I need desperately. It should be switchable between metric and imperial units. And a protractor (preferably the european form "Geodreieck", which has the most features) for drawing exact angles.
You could have a look at the app "Digital exercise book". It's not the best app for writing, but the protractor and compass tools are awesome. I wish these were in the Squid app, too. -
Yuriy Badrak commented
Would be cool if there were 3D figures for example pyramids or cubes.
And I think that it would also be very helpful if we had different types of rulers. -
Bon Buescher commented
This is needed
עדיאל יצחק commented
I like this app very much but many times I have to use another app because there is no ruler tool.
You have a great app and its a very simple and useful feature - and quite expect of you when you offer net page models and engineering pages. -
Helke commented
It would be very cool to have a ruler to make better lines. The feauture to draw a line is good but adding a rule would be amazing.
Anonymous commented
a moveable onscreen ruler for background such as lined paper. iOS have a similar feature, but nothing exists for android. currently the only way i can have accurate lines is with a straight line on graph paper
Johannes Borghardt commented
Zum anfertigen von maßstabgetreuen Skizzen wäre ein Lineal bzw. ein Winkelmesser sehr hilfreich.
Eine Einstellung der Formen-Parameter, ähnlich wie bei MS-Word wäre auch toll.
Anonymous commented
As Charles stated there are two options, I would love to use both! So you could make straight lines with a virtual tool on a specific place because of side rulers, like MS did.
Maybe for the tool part you could implement other types as well, like the protractor?
Max commented
maybe not Ruller tool... something like scale bar at the top of the page (see ms word)
Anonymous commented
I'm studying Engineering and we do a lot of sketches, an overlaying ruler would be much faster than selecting the straight line option and then the pen and then the straight line option again. Otherwise love the app!!!
Eduardo Jiménez commented
I would love to have a built in ruler on the app. This would work great for physics textbook problems and math problems in general.
Charles commented
Two tool bar options.
1) Set measurement (To a line, per page)
2) Measure between two points (Via Set Measurement tool bar option)This is an idea I had while using your app for viewing blueprints on a construction site.
Anonymous commented
A PDF ruler to measure things in document, because sometimes is necessary take values from pictures.