Please submit one idea at a time. If your idea already exists, vote on it rather than submitting a new idea. If there’s something specific you’d like to mention, add a comment. This helps us quickly see what ideas are most important to our users. Thanks for your feedback!
350 results found
Add arrows with the shapes.
64 votes -
Quick color selection panel (free-floating or static)
Selecting a new color while in a fast paced note taking environment is cumbersome to say the least. It's too many clicks to switch from one color to a new one then back again. This can be solved by either allowing tablets to have some color circle choices spread out over the top menu bar area (tons of empty space up there) or have a little floating panel with a few "favorite" colors to quickly tap and go.
Take for instance, to choose a new color you have to:
*Tap the color circle drop down menu
*Choose new color
*Tap…64 votes -
Quick tool pallet (floating pallet)
We need a floating bubble so that when ever you touch it it opens up with all the tools and colors, as you slide your finger you get to choose the tool and options that you need.
57 votes -
Better Text
Being able to modify the text individually, changing the color, size, styles, in the same text box, to avoid having a lot of text boxes just to change the color or size, etc. Mainly for people who use the pencil and keyboard to take notes.
55 votes -
55 votes
Static zoom bar
Add an easily accessible zoom bar to the top of the notes page (instead of a popup). The popup is too small and disappears after a second or two. The zoom level should never go away.
54 votes -
Ortho Snap
Snap the Line Shape to only create vertical and
horizontal lines.52 votes -
When reading mode, swipe pages option must.
While in reading mode, one has to click the arrow on the right top corner for next page. Request the developer to change it to swipe by finger left or right.
51 votes -
Turn off navigation bar/ bottom bar
I regulary close the app accidentally because I touch the navigation bar at the bottom. Could you please make an option to turn off the bar.
48 votes -
46 votes
A LaTeX-based Equation Writer
Hi there! I would like to see a way to compile neat-looking equations in Squid through LaTeX. LaTeX is what professional scientists use to type beautiful equations in text, and right now I see no way of doing so in Squid apart from writing them by hand.
45 votes -
small eraser
Minimum size of eraser is still large. I want smaller size eraser.
44 votes -
Insert a new page after current page
please allow to insert a new page after current page
43 votes -
Temporarily lock/freeze presentation
While presenting notes there should be a feature that allows users to freeze the presentation to the cast device but allow the user to manipulate notes still. This would be super helpful to allow students to copy content down while the teacher can scroll down to the next problem, zoom in or out and make changes. When the class is ready the screen could be released back to the live stream again.
42 votes -
See total number of pages
I miss that I can't see how many pages a note have. Now I must check on the arrow all the time. If it said 1(2) then I would know I have two pages and I became happy!
42 votesThis is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor.
Ability to delete note from within note
You have to exit note to be able to delete it. It would be good if you're in the note go to options and then have an option to delete it.
41 votesThis is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor.
Have a left-handed mode. Have the back tab in the top left corner, to the right of the "Papyrus" title and right justify on the title bar.
The problem is that the left hand rests on the screen and might touch the back button at the top left of the page when writing at the top of the page. Leave the top left of the title bar blank or inactive for left handers, and move all the active tabs to the right of the title bar so that lefties can write close to the top of the page without accidently closing the page .
40 votes -
38 votes
37 votes
Individual page titles within a note
I'd like to be able to title each page in a note as well as the entire note itself. I know screen real estate could be an issue, but it would help a lot when flicking in between pages of a note with multiple pages.
36 votes
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