Quick tool pallet (floating pallet)
We need a floating bubble so that when ever you touch it it opens up with all the tools and colors, as you slide your finger you get to choose the tool and options that you need.

BigSam231 commented
Could you make the current pallet free-floating? Hence changing colours while making notes will always be one click away and much faster than the current setup. This is something that can be turned on or off by the user if they don't like the pallet getting in the way of the notes
Daniel Belaish commented
Well the toolbar is basically stealing screen space, so i would like it if it was possible to collapse the toolbar into a small arrow on the top left of the screen to show it.
Adam commented
Allow us to pin certain colours and tools to a toolbar along the top of our notes.
noobnoob commented
(include collect-color,highlight,erz,undo,) which near about spen nib
Steve commented
Allow page cut and past in the view mode.
Also have the tool bar as a widget which is movable and expandable. This might fit with others suggesting a thinner tool bar. Gives option to open it up or make it smaller.
Mattias Olla commented
When you select objects with the lasso tool, you have to click the icons in the top bar to perform actions (copy, cut, etc.). It would be nice if these options were to appear in a pop-up window next to the selection, like the pop-ups for e.g. colour choice in hand gestures. Additionally, this pop-up could disappear if the selected objects are moved or resized.
Anonymous commented
Tap and hold for menu to add text or change to eraser, pen or highlighter!
Agustín Osorio Cruz commented
Más que botón flotante, A mi me gustaría botones fijos de las herramientas, pues al primer toque vas a utilizar las funciones del botón, cuando trabajas es molesto dar siempre un toque demás para abrir herramientas: escribir, selecciona, cambiar tamaño, color, borrar etc
Prezes Dyrektor commented
floating tool icon YES PLEASE
+ full screen mode with that (hiding the tool menu on top)would pay for this feature
HW commented
With Ability for Presets. Line size, color, Pressure, etc.