Please submit one idea at a time. If your idea already exists, vote on it rather than submitting a new idea. If there’s something specific you’d like to mention, add a comment. This helps us quickly see what ideas are most important to our users. Thanks for your feedback!
32 results found
Note Editor: Dark Mode
Add the ability to view the note content in a "dark mode" while in the note editor. White backgrounds would still be white but would look black while taking notes. This would allow for a comfortable note-taking experience in a dark environment while preserving the original content colors during printing and exporting.
For example, a traditional white background with black writing would appear as a black background with white writing while in this "dark mode".
142 votesThis is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor.
Open multiple notes at once (e.g. tabs)
We often need to switch between notes. It would be great if we could open 2 or 3 notes at once and to switch between them using tabs or something.
Note page thumbnails should be accessible more easily like by sliding the left margin, so we can easily switch between pages.945 votesThis is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor.
Hideable, Moveable, or Floating Toolbar
Being left-handed, I find writing at the top of a page to be very frustrating since my hand rests right over the back button on the toolbar. I'll often get kicked out of a doc from the side of my hand hitting the back button once my pen is far enough from the screen to stop rejecting touches. Being able to move the toolbar to the left or right hand side of the screen and/or being able to hide it altogether would be a great feature to resolve issues like this. I think above both of these, a floating, minimizable…
106 votesThis is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor.
Customizable tool bar
It might be minor, but I wish I could customize the tool bar such that I could put frequently used things like specific color (black, red), scissor, eraser etc.. on the tool bar directly. Currently you have to click through buttons, and although it's only one or two clicks away, it does matter while you're trying to quickly annotate stuff
906 votesThis is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor.
Triangle Tool
I would love if there was a triangle option in the shapes tool. I could use a right triangle tool when teaching the unit circle.
441 votes -
Laser Pen
When casting on Chromecast, would be nice to have a laser pen feature so I can point to things on my tablet and students can see on the projector, instead of using pen or highlighter.
139 votes -
Post-it function to add notes into small spaces on imported documents
I often use Squid to mark up papers and reports. However, in text-heavy documents there is often very little white space left on the page to add notes. Therefore a facility to add an expandable Post-it Note would be a very useful feature.
387 votes -
131 votes
This is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor.
Favorite Pens / Saved Pens / Presets
It would be nice to be able to create a pen (size & color) and then save it as a preset so I can quickly select it without having to manually adjust both the size and color every time I want to change pens.
1,168 votesThis is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor. This is one of the options for Fewer clicks to switch tools that we are exploring.
Quick draw / auto shape detection for lines, circles, and other shapes
Auto shape detection. This is especially very important for lines. Notability in iOS has this. If you draw a line and hold it for a second it will become a straight line that you can adjust. Simple convert to shapes will do for rest of the shapes. Best note taking app on the market, my GPA (civil engineer) went up 0.5 just thanks to you guys. Well done !
1,530 votes -
Add more shapes
Add to existing shapes, such as arrows, curves, hexagons, and triangles.
1,152 votes -
Ability to delete note from within note
You have to exit note to be able to delete it. It would be good if you're in the note go to options and then have an option to delete it.
41 votesThis is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor.
Swipe the page to go to the next page
Allow pages to be swiped between rather than having to tap the next and previous page buttons.
1,051 votesThis is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor.
View two pages within the same note at the same time
I would like to be able to view two pages at one time (two-age display).
134 votesThis is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor.
Full screen writing mode
Full screen mode to maximize writing space. Have a little "-" sign that minimizes the toolbar into a tiny chevron symbol. You can restore the toolbar by double tapping the chevron symbol.
432 votesThis is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor.
Support for Google Drive and Classroom without the Android Apps!
Support to use Google Drive or Google Classroom without installing the Android Apps would be so helpful! Students and staff get very lost on how to import or export to and from Squid since Squid requires the Android apps to be installed. Couldn't you force users to sign into their Google account to allow access to Drive and Classroom without the apps?
12 votesGoogle Classroom
We've had discussions with Google, but, unfortunately, the APIs we need to integrate with Classroom do not currently exist. If this changes in the future, we would definitely like to integrate Classroom more closely inside Squid.
Google Drive
We recently added support for automatic backup to Google Drive. However, this only gives access to Drive files created by Squid. We will continue investigating whether we can provide a safe way for the user to select a file from Drive from within Squid, without having to use the Android app. We continue to hope that Google will update ChromeOS to allow the user to access their Google Drive from the file picker without having the Google Drive Android app installed.
Change background of all pages at once
For pdf export or just because its nicer to scroll through it should be possible to chabge the background of ALL pages of a note at once
24 votesThis is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor.
Swipe between pages in view-only (reading) mode
I wish I could flip through pages instead of tapping the next page button during reading mode.
355 votesThis is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor.
Support clicking links in PDFs
I'd like to be able to import a PDF with interactive links and click those links in Squid to jump to a different part of the note (just like it works in a PDF).
89 votes -
102 votes
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