Add more shapes
Add to existing shapes, such as arrows, curves, hexagons, and triangles.

Anonymous commented
This feature was requested in 2012. There was a partial implementation in 2015 and it's 2020 now and we are yet to see any new shapes added in the app. Most of the releases this year seams to be only around but fixes and payments. It would be good time see some actual new features that are helpful to users. So please consider providing us with shape tools that we really need if you would still want me to keep paying the subscription. This feature has over 500 votes yet no traction from the developers to implement them. Is our requests even being heard by the business.
Anonymous commented
Assolutely needed, Much as option for dotted lines
Pierre Caron commented
This is also my #1 request!
Kim DaeHyeon commented
Google Translator Says:
"Geometric shapes
"I would like further geometric shapes for mathematical work. For example: triangles, arrows, sine, parabola, coordinate system, etc.
"These should then also turn smoothly."You're welcome.
Johannes Borghardt commented
Ich wünsche mir weitere geometrische Formen für mathematisches Arbeiten. Zum Beispiel: Dreiecke, Pfeile, Sinus, Parabel, Koordinatensystem usw.
Diese sollten sich dann auch stufenlos drehen lassen.
Brady Rainey commented
A shape I would like to see is a check-mark. I use Squid a lot for to do lists as well as table top gaming so a nice consistent check-mark would be more pleasing to the eye than the squiggles I end up drawing.
Bryan Filipe Custodio de Faria commented
It's a MUST
Francesco Alongi commented
It would be really helpful to have more complex shapes than the ones already existing. For instance arrows, dotted lines, triangles, polygons, curved lines... Please consider this as a next improvement.
Anonymous commented
Please add more shapes
Canberk Uruş commented
Dotted Lines (for all shapes)
Plus,minus,division,multiplication signs
Bulleted list
Circles drawn from Center
Shape recognition and correction -
Anonymous commented
dotted lines would also be useful in a lot of scenarios
amir shoaibi commented
Add new shapes in existing shapes, Like the shapes in Microsoft Office (triangles, hexagons, arrows, clouds ...). This helps a lot to make drawing faster and more beautiful.
D L Fuller commented
Just add an arrow and dashed line to the shapes. This should be a simple step for the developers and a big improvement for the users. Fancier bezier lines, fills, and shape customization might be nice, but a bigger undertaking.
Julian Finkler commented
To create own shapes would be also helpful 🙂 (Maybe with a share functionality?)
Anonymous commented
add more shapes such as arrow, Curve line, star
Colocar mais formas geométricas
Fernando commented
I fully understand that we can create the shapes, but we spend a lot of time on it. would be very useful a list with several options ready and with the possibility of rotating them. this app is very good but has a lot to improve and evolve. listen to us please !!!
Anonymous commented
I agree this would be very helpful!!
Susa Rantanen commented
l would love a multi angle line with editable points
Xaq Fixx commented
Still need arrows and triangles