Change background of all pages at once
For pdf export or just because its nicer to scroll through it should be possible to chabge the background of ALL pages of a note at once

This is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor.
frodonikerrr commented
why doesn't this feature have more votes??
frodonikerrr commented
still waiting for this feature! i always write my notes on lined paper then change the background to plain. With many pages, this is very time consuming.
Debora commented
In page settings you can change the background of the current page, but it'd be useful if you could change the background of multiple pages, selecting them.
Matthew commented
Be able to change your entire note file background after writing your notes, rather than changing the background page by page as this can be tedious for larger notes.
For example working on grid paper to keep things neat, then when you're finished, changing the background to plain white paper.
Anonymous commented
It would be fantastic if I could select and change the background pattern of more pages in the same time