View two pages within the same note at the same time
I would like to be able to view two pages at one time (two-age display).

This is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor.
Billie Jolie commented
The ability to view two pages within the same note simultaneously depends on the specific note-taking app or software you're using.
Madam Sara commented
I appreciate you sharing this blog. For individuals who are looking for pertinent information, this is a huge aid.
Anonymous commented
I think it should be a book mod. So when you turn the device over, it should be like a book. Or a button can also be added.
Aissam commented
when you can open a pdf at the right and a blank page at the left for commentary (like Amanote based in belgium)
Daniel Amaldy commented
Possibility of viewing a pdf in book format, with two pages next to each other.
Daniel Amaldy commented
Possibilidade de poder visualizar o PDF em 2 páginas uma ao lado da outra , como se fosse um livro.
Mina commented
When I upload pdfs on squid, I want to view two pages or more in same time. PLEASE..
Yuno commented
When I need to view something in another note ,I have to exit from the current note ,open the other one ,get what I need and then come back. It's very troublesome. I hope that two pages could be viewed simultaneously on the split screen.
유 commented
한쪽씩만 보지 않고 두쪽 혹은 그 이상의 쪽을 한페이지에서 볼 수 있는 기능이 있다면 더욱 유용할 것입니다!
Mike Schulze commented
Is there any way to implement having pages side by side? And I wouldn't mind being able to flip through pages when we're in view only mode. Using the buttons in the top right is kind of tedious. I am using Squid on my Tab S4 in Dex mode, mostly. Disregarding the dex mode I'd still like to be able to have pages side by side, and be able to flip through pages fast.
Edit:// Btw it'd also be useful to be able to copy single pages from the overview, when a PDF has multiple pages.
Yolanda commented
He adquirido la versión premium y no se puede trabajar a doble página con pdfs?? No me lo puedo creer! Xodo tiene esta opción y además gratis!! Arreglen eso por favor...
Anonymous commented
Quando estiver trabalhando com caderno e PDF por exemplo poder dividir a tela e mexer em ambos trabalhos.
Anonymous commented
This would be great and would allow for me to look at PDF while taking notes or previous notes etc
Anna Benoir commented
Anzeige für 2 Seiten, wie bei einem Ebook wäre cool
Kristine Drake commented
I would love to have my notes open but be able to open a new page in the system on the other half of the screen so I can redraw figures in a different document. Right now I split screen with Samsung notes to redraw things. Would much rather use one app
Jan M. commented
This feature would be awesome!
Baksza Dávid commented
As a university student, it'd be such a useful feature to have a textbook and an exercise book simultaneously on the display. Eventually I could manage to do this with multiple programs, but that's more like a painful thing as I can't organize my notes in one app.
Please implement it, and you've got the best note app ever! -
Carolin Eberlein commented
This is one of the things I really miss! I use squit in university and its absolutly annoying if you need to switch between two notes.
That would be much easier if two pages, like split screen are possible. -
Dolores commented
I have a PDF planner that splits the calendar between two pages. I would like to be able to view two pages at once.