Swipe the page to go to the next page
Allow pages to be swiped between rather than having to tap the next and previous page buttons.

This is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor.
Alonso commented
PLEASE. is son annoying, both when Im writing and when Im studying :(
Anonymous commented
화면을 밀어(위, 아래 또는 좌, 우) 페이지 전환을 할 수 있게 해주세요
Terri commented
This is a major hindrance to my using the app. I mainly use Sqiud to make markings on sheet music. But in performance or practice. I can't easily "flip" the page.
joon soo kim commented
Please please please !!!
Chris Collier commented
I like this idea but do have to say that Squid is great at ignoring when my palm is resting on the screen, so not sure if that would conflict...
chan In Pank commented
It's uncomfortable when turning pages.
Right click the screen to move the page · -
chan In Pank commented
It's uncomfortable when turning pages. Right click the screen to move the page ·
Anonymous commented
Valentino commented
yes, for me this is the most important functionality!
Mina commented
I really need it! This function is very cool
Christian commented
PLEASE let me scroll through pages like I can do in a PDF Reader... Please.
Anonymous commented
es mucho más facil pasar las paginas con gestos
tipo libro -
양지혁 commented
페이지를 손으로도 넘길 수 있도록 해주세요. 버튼 눌러서 넘기기 너무 불편합니다.
Aaron Bicskey commented
I also would benefit tremendously being able to swipe the screen to turn to next page. I use the app for music and I will need to use an other app for live performance as I can't turn the page quick enough
amir shoaibi commented
I use the squid app on my tablet (Samsung. Tab A). This app is best for writing with a pen on a tablet, and thank you for making it.- Ability to flip the page by quick swiping one or two fingers left or right, in addition to using the up arrow keys
Breno Lopes commented
Quando importamos um PDF, só podemos avançar e retroceder a página através de dois botões no canto superior direito. Seria legal se pudéssemos avançar e retroceder deslizando a página para lateral, e quando o fizermos isso, o efeito de ondulação da página sendo trocada surgisse.
Frenky Huang commented
Please add scroll and swipe feature to switch between pages.
Swipe will be very helpful in view only mode.
Thank you -
Marcelo commented
You can switch pages with finger gestures and not just the icon in both read and edit mode.
Possa mudar de pagina com gestos no dedo e não apenas no ícone , tanto no modo leitura como no modo editar.
Ashutosh Babhulkar commented
You can do swipe and hold or swipe from a particular point to turn... or any other gestures
But the turn feature is essential -
laura commented
Poder deslizar las paginas con un dedo escencial. Quedaria perfecto. Principalmente cuando se trabaja con pdf.