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2965 results found
Automatically select "pen" option when picking a color (if no object is selected)
Automatically select "pen" option when picking a color (if no object is selected)
2 votes -
Add header to top of Exports (and cloud exports) and/or as default in pages.
Two features but related.
Firstly when exporting to image or PDF optionally (as a setting) place the title (name), date created and date modified at the top of each page.
Secondly (or alternatively) automatically add the date a page was created (as a text object) to the top of each page as it is created.
This would really help with note taking.
5 votes -
Add additional page types
Hexagonal grid, Bulls eye style pattern, etc. I make a lot of mandala style and geometric art. It would be awesome to be able to use Papyrus for that.
11 votes -
provide keyboard word suggestion. Example - SwiftKey or Swype
This will make typing a title faster.. also to consider increasing title length.
7 votes -
have an option to add more buttons to the top.
Many changes of modes (for exampe from free hand to rectangles) require many taps.
I understand it is not possible to put all the buttons in a single level, but you could have an option for adding buttons that we frequently use. Then we can change between frequently used modes in just a single tap.
8 votes -
46 votes
Add option to completely disable touch input on the writing area
Other programs (like write) offer the ability to turn on an option to reject all touch input not from the pen (including any zoom). I notice that when I put my hand on the page to write the program constantly recognizes my meaty paw as fingers trying to zoom (even though I disabled zooming in options). I would like this ability to prevent the page from moving around when I am trying to write.
69 votesThis is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor.
PC (Win/ Mac) version that syncs
Simplified "OneNote" app that is working on shared papyrus database. Work with your notes on laptop.
63 votes -
add a feature to select an area of my notes and link to a task
The thought behind this is that I want to be able to mark some of my notes as actions and even tag areas that are important. For the actions I would like to be able to link these to a new task that is created when I tag the area as an action.
4 votes -
Set Default writing tool
Like the default layout and such, add a option to set your default writing tool to text or pen. So entering text is quicker and no need to click 2 extra things
4 votes -
paint bucket tool to fill areas
because when i try to fill an area it's to hard to color the area without overwriting the edges
87 votes -
Improve object resizing
I would like to see a few improvements on resizing selections.
1. Make resize handles visible even if they're off the edge of the page.
2. Fit resize handles/outlines closer to the actual image. The gaps at the sides make it hard to fit images precisely.
3. Add edge-snapping so that I can more easily resize something until it clicks into the side of the page or another object.
Thanks!6 votes -
Insert audio recording and playback
I like to record lectures as they are given and have several solutions for doing so. I'd love to see it as a unified function in a single app, and Papyrus is seriously one of my favorites. :)
320 votes -
Add layer support
I'd like to use layers for 1) sketching things first, then finalizing on another layer 2) changing the order of layers 3) hiding and unhiding elements for presentations and different scenarios. See Sketchbook or Photoshop for reference.
208 votes -
Snap To
I am loving the addition of the drawing tools. Thank-you. A natural progression would be to add a "Snap To" function to enable users to snap objects to the grid (graph paper) or objects to other objects.
96 votes -
Handwriting to equation
S-note have this feature. Simply write what equation you want and it will be made to proper text. I have seen many new apps with this feature so it would be great to have ithere as well!
119 votes -
need infinite zoom or zoom level setting
hello. sorry for my bad english.
papyrus can use infinite paper size.
but zoom level is limited.if it can use infinite zoom(or more zoom), it will be more creative note tool.
like a Prezi.plz consider my idea.
thank you.
3 votes -
Do not limit how far out you can zoom out
On an infinite page with a lot of content, 10% zoom isn't enough to get an overview
4 votes -
Tabs for quick navigation
Functional specification:
Make two additional buttons, one for vertical tabs, other for horizontal (clicking on button shows the tabs)
Horizontal tabs - quick changes of notes within current notebook.
Vertical tabs - quick change of notebook - immediately after choosing of new notebook user have to choose the note (more than 1 note), be directed to the only note (onky one note) or be directed to the initial menu with no notes (no notes)4 votes -
I miss the ability to create tables
20 votes
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