Add layer support
I'd like to use layers for 1) sketching things first, then finalizing on another layer 2) changing the order of layers 3) hiding and unhiding elements for presentations and different scenarios. See Sketchbook or Photoshop for reference.

Ippokratis Poimenidis commented
Yes please do so
Erich Koch commented
Layers was requested as back as 2013. and still not implemented?
How often is this App updated?
Every graphic App with Android and iOS has layers, with ON and OFF visibility and transparency control. -
Scott Mouser commented
Please add support for layers. I don't need transparency, I don't need blending modes, layer protection/locking would be useful but even that I don't need. Just the ability to write and erase on one layer without disturbing another layer. Done.
Duncan commented
So many applications from tracking to multi user reference from master doc or just control of your own work..! :-)
Brenton Wiberg commented
Yes Please
Renato commented
And possibility to lock/unlock layers for edition
Mary commented
LectureNotes app supports multiple layers.
Anonymous commented
+10e234 to add layers ;-)
Nabil commented
add the ability to use layers like HandWrite Pro.
Anonymous commented
Do it
박종철 commented
Separate records like layers make it easier to erase or write
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Mustafa Mamdouh commented
And please support opacity for layers -
HW commented
I was just about to suggest this myself! :)
Sarah commented
This could be neat if implemented.
Chris commented
+1 for layers.
Anonymous commented
I concur... I use this for design work and put notes over photos to work from... adding layers would enhance the ability of generational notes... separating dimensions from comments, etc. Should be able to page through overlays... or hide them selectively... and "freeze" selective layers...
Fran Firman commented
Yes layers would also make it easy to create a template document as a bottom layer, and then add and erase other notes on top of it.
Hector Suarez commented
Please Add layers !!!!!
Chris P commented
Indeed, I too would like to have layer support, even if it were limited to just a handful of layers.
WOODMAN commented
Anonymous. Sketchbook and Photoshop are different applications for different purposes and with different functionality. What is not different, however, is the need for layers. I give this suggestion all my votes.