Extend PDF whitespace margins
Extend the white-space margins of a PDF to allow for more notes

いあ commented
I hope to be able to freely paste the pdf on the infinite campus and move it as shown in the picture.
David commented
This would be very helpful.
I would especially like to convert a pdf page to an infinite canvas, but even being able to extend the margins a little would already be quite helpful! -
Akhil commented
I paid with the hope that it would have this feature. But it doesn't. Having this feature would make the app so much better guys!
Anonymous commented
As a teacher , trying to teach online to kids, this is necessary and an immediate feature I would use!
Nana Elope commented
currently once you import a pdf in the premium feature the page size is limited to the size of that pdf. The ability to use the infinite page size option when importing pdfs into your note instead of them being imported with a fixed size can help with adding additional notes when annotating. A feature that allows you to choose the number of pages to import into your notes along with this will be great too.
Wayne commented
It would be better if extra spaces can be provided for our imported PDF, like what Microsoft OneNote has. That feature is essential for adding extra notes on top of current PDF.
Luis C. commented
2020 now... Nothing happening?
전지원 commented
제발 이 기능 좀 만들어주세요!!!!
전지원 commented
Really need this!!!! Strongly support this idea. XD
Aldo Osorio commented
Full support to this great idea!
Sometimes pdf pages have no room for notes. Squid can have the feature to add blank space around the pdf page. -
Anonymous commented
I used squid in universe class and I like it.
The PDFs given by professor has some size i don't know.
It's not A4 and A3. It has 4:3 ratio.So I'll happy if custom size can be added by recognizing in squid current page size.
Alex commented
This would definitely be a big improvement and not difficult to implement. I have seen this on a similar note taking app on iOS and found the feature essential.
It does not have to be infinite, but i.e. a wide margin would already be a great start. For example when importing the pdf document Squid could allow to change the page dimensions to add a margin on the right/bottom or so. -
J L commented
Still no update on this?
Anonymous commented
This would be awesome! I'm having the same problem annotating lecture notes.
Dylan commented
I'm a grad student and use Squid mainly for marking up PDFs: both research papers and lecture slides. When there is limited room on a page or notes/ideas are extensive then I run out of room - happens a lot! It would be great if each PDF page sat on an infinite background like the functionality of a typical notes page.
Kyle Celano commented
Some PDFs just don't have any room in the margins to write anything!
Arnulfo Nieto commented
I completely agree, this would make note taking so much easier for my classes.
Amir commented
Yes please .. I realy same to you
Anonymous commented
This very imprtant to me because I am an Engineerng student and need space to do my calcultion and comments and drawing in the pdf files .. It's available in onenote app from microsoft in ios vrison
Anonymous commented
Please add this function!
I would like to exclusively use Squid, but as it stands, I have to use Onenote to mark-up my PDFs because I need margins to write in!