Insert/Remove vertical space
When I take notes I frequently need to go back later to insert additional material at a specific place. It would therefore be very important to have the ability to create such space by moving all material below further down. You can find this well implemented in the Microsoft Journal software, for example, see

Ka commented
Apple notes has this feature now. I hope we can get this on squid too. Pretty urgent!!! Thank you
Anonymous commented
Creare spazio dove inserire testo così che si possa creare un paragrafo. Altrimenti il testo esce dalle dimensioni della pagina o risulta complicato da leggere
Edgar Salgado commented
This feature was implemented in WRITE but that application is no longer supported so that's the reason i'm using squid now. In addition to a simple vertical insert/remove, a horizontal one with an automatic displacement of conflicting text would be much appreciated. Otherwise, it is way too similar to real paper: it is so awkward to make corrections...
Joe commented
Anonymous commented
Like if i want to insert text, lets say in a pdf paper, i can create blankspace on the page and squid shifts the rest, a little.
Peter Nguyen commented
Anyone care to elaborate what this feature request is supposed to do?
mike commented
+1 for this feature request
Anonymous commented
Is this part of papyrus yet!? Need it ASAP don't care how it gets done lol
Anonymous commented
Dear papyrus,
Any news on this feature.
2 years have past since your last told it was planned from in the beginning...
Many thanks for your excellent product
Erik -
Sarah commented
3 finger touch and drag sounds like a really cool way to add vertical space.
But what about if you have a limited page size and your text at the bottom goes over? Would it move to the next page?
Maybe it would be cool to have continuous pages underneath each other?
Sarah commented
So excited that this is planned!
mike commented
This is a showstopper for me. Is this implemented maybe?
Alejandro Villar commented
It should be one of the priorities.
Christian Dümmer commented
I've been dreaming of such a tool for some time.
You could have a selection tool (similar to the lasso) which allows you to divide your page by drawing a vertical or horizontal line. Not just a straight line but a freehand line which allows you to draw around any protruding words. Anything beyond the line you draw is assumed to be just a straight line till the border of the page, so you're effectively halving the page horizontally or vertically.
You could then drag either the left/right or top/bottom half of the page away from the dividing line you just drew, to create blank space as required.
It's difficult to describe but would be easy to use if implemented.
SAM commented
3 finger move down to add and 3 finger up to del space would be a great idea
SK commented
Since you have decided to take on this feature, it would be nice to also have the edit ability to insert words within sentences in such a way that the words at the end of the edited line automatically move down to the next line and all the rest of the words in the paragraph also get adjusted accordingly. This will be a great feature as it will avoid the hassle of erasing and rewriting sentences instead of just quick-edit, and appears related to the 'creating space' feature.
Three finger touch-and-drag seems to be an easy and a quick way for adding space between paragraphs, etc vertically or horizontally.
Ralf commented
Here are some ideas for features of this tool.
1. Draw a Random shaped line or geometrical shape between your existing notes and fix it. This includes single lines and geometrical shapes like circles, triangles, ..., etc.
2. Drag that shape, or one of its corner in any direction and expand that area into empty space between the notes.
For example:
- Draw a vertical line and drag it to the left -> move all left of line to the left to create free space
- Draw a circle and drag it outside -> move all notes outside concentrically away to create empty space
- Draw a triangle, drag one corner outside and expand space corresponding to its arms- Draw a rectangle and drag its surface inside to remove empty space
Ben Hollingsworth commented
I certainly hope that this option won't be the answer to other requests to have an infinite page size be truly infinite in all four directions. Having to insert blank space above or to the left of a drawing would be very lame.
dykesnz commented
Totally agree. A major improvement son real paper and other Android or IOS apps.
Stefan Weinzierl commented
feature: see onenote
push complete area down or delete space between
how to arrange: icon -> position/ cursor -> position -> move further down or go up to paste space or reduce/ delete space