Fewer clicks to switch tools
I'd like to have fewer clicks to change tools. Like changing from pencil to eraser or shapes. Maybe there could be a quick change or some defaults.
To change tools, you have to
1. click the tools menu
2. Click the tab of the tool
3. Choose the specific tool
4. Click out of the menu
Then, you can start using it. And that is without changing any tool options.

This is one of our top priorities for the Squid10 note editor.
Anonymous commented
Or switch between colors... A feature like this would be so helpful. My math lectures are so fast and the current drop down menus are not fast enough.
Anonymous commented
It should be made as an option that you can toggle on and off. On smaller screen devices the extra space you get from the toolbar makes the app user friendlier.
Jean-Pierre Schnyder commented
This would make this invaluable app yet better !
Anonymous commented
Fully agree.
The need for a better UI in this area is especially obvious on a tablet, where the in landscape more 50% of the toolbar is free space, i.e. real-estate not well used. -
Luis Barba commented
While the side button can only be used in hover mode, this is enough to allow a quick access to the eraser. One click of this side button in hover mode can enable the eraser (or any other tool specified in preferences) without the need to access the menus or move from the area you are working on. After erasing, the selected tool can go back automatically to writing mode. Other applications have this feature and is amazing
Anonymous commented
A button on right side of paper to "return" to next line at left side when the paper is zoomed. Save on time sliding back.
Jorge Rodriguez commented
Didn't see this other idea that's much more popular, throwing my votes over there: http://papyrus.uservoice.com/forums/177239-general/suggestions/5576881-fewer-clicks-to-get-tools
Jorge Rodriguez commented
I made a mockup of what it might look like to have an interface that supports fewer taps to get at tools:
Pressing the + symbol can open the options, but pressing an icon will just close it again and activate the new tool without any more tapping.
Even better would be if those tools were in the bar at the top in the first place.
Alex Alc commented
I think the most efficient way of doing it is:
- Have some customizable presets on the persistent bar the same way the tools and colors are now
- When the tools button is clicked, a second bar appears with all the different tools extended in that bar. If a tool is long-pressed the options appear. -
Amir Asiaee commented
I think having a favorite floating palette is solving this problem nicely, similar ideas exist in note any time (now metamoji) and lecturenotes. You set your favorite colors as default also lasso tools can be there.
Anonymous commented
The number of clicks required to change tools is a constant source of frustration
Eugenii commented
Binding fast tool switch function to pen side button would be great (like in last s-note).
Anonymous commented
Is it just me or does the solution around numerous clicks via gestures not work with spen....I even upgraded to toolkit package thinking this would enable it...
Jorge Rodriguez commented
Oh yeah and here's the psd just in case: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4205810/Papyrus/one-tap-tools.psd
LysolPionex commented
Clicking a tool should select it with the previous settings for that tool. Click-hold should bring up the menu to change the settings for that tool. Clicking the setting would then close the menu as it currently does.
Anonymous commented
Vote for my ideas! I love this app but I think there are 2 things that will make it almost perfect. There should be a quick tool S Pen function or like gesture for people that do not have an S pen. You either make the gesture or press the S pen button and a little tool box pops up near the pen or gesture. That tool box would have some preset writing tools that you set up and your most recent colors.
Anonymous commented
put different tools (customizable) ie pen, rubber, highliter on the first level palette
Tom Goodell commented
I love Papyrus, I use it constantly on my phone and tablet, both for taking notes and marking up PDFs. The number of clicks required to change tools is a constant source of frustration and the one reason I still look at other apps and consider switching. Make the toolbar always visible so a single click changes the tool - that would be a huge improvement.
Viggo Liljefors commented
+1 Should be prio. 1 for the next update!
The app is great otherwise, fast PDF-import/export, simple and very quick. Unfortunetly it's pretty cumbersome to go between selection of tools.
Adam Kunstman commented
Double that.
Actually, I think that the right approach would be to allow defining a few slots (presets, favorites) for the most often used tool configurations and have them accessible with a single click. Many applications use this pattern for decades and it works, so why not use something tested?
It would help me tremendously - I usually use 3-5 such combinations over and over (e.g. a black fine point pen, a red wide point marker and a highlighter).