Fewer clicks to switch tools
I'd like to have fewer clicks to change tools. Like changing from pencil to eraser or shapes. Maybe there could be a quick change or some defaults.
To change tools, you have to
1. click the tools menu
2. Click the tab of the tool
3. Choose the specific tool
4. Click out of the menu
Then, you can start using it. And that is without changing any tool options.

This is one of our top priorities for the Squid10 note editor.
policenbiclearance commented
This is a great suggestion, and streamlining the tool-switching process would definitely improve usability and workflow efficiency. A quick-access toolbar, customizable shortcuts, or a radial menu could be game-changers for reducing clicks and making transitions between tools seamless.Police clearance certificate https://policenbiclearance.ph
It’s especially important for users who frequently switch between tools like pencil, eraser, or shapes during a single session. Implementing such a feature would save time and create a smoother, more intuitive experience. Hope to see this improvement considered in future updates! -
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JG commented
I've been using Squid daily for years and this is the ONE thing that I don't like about it. I need about 6 buttons to switch quickly between my frequently used color/line thickness combinations. PLEASE make this a priority improvement!
Maria commented
Reducing clicks to switch tools would definitely improve workflow. Your idea for quicker tool changes is great. Simplifying this process could save time and make the software more user-friendly. Customizable toolbars or shortcuts could give users more control over their workspace. Thanks for the suggestion to enhance the user experience!
Jurgen de Groot commented
I'd really like the addition of a color pallete in the top bar. Or even one you can move around the screen like samsung notes has. This would allow for much less clicks in my daily note taking.
Jim Mussared commented
Would love to see this implemented -- the top bar on my tablet is >50% empty space. It would be so good to use that space for the few things I switch between regularly (i.e. top 5 recent colours, pen, select).
Todd Comins commented
This one is really bugging me and has me thinking of switching to an alternate tool.
ChangHea Kim commented
I think Squid is better than other writing applications because the interface is very intuitive and consists of only the tools needed to take notes.
However, there is an inconvenience after using it for about a month. That's when I change the tool. It is very inconvenient for me to press the tool button every time when I change the pen to highlighter or eraser, or when I change their color.
In conclusion, what I want is an interface where the tools are shown side by side in a row. I want to be able to change the tool to one touch when I take notes. Instead, the user can make detailed changes (color, bold, pressure, transparency, etc.) if the user is touching the pen long enough. Like Samsung Note in Android application.If you reflect my suggestion, it will make a very positive effect.
Even now, this application is definitely a useful application that doesn't waste subscription fees, but I hope it will develop further. -
Simone Belfiore commented
I am very annoyed by your toolbar, is like crazy to waste so much time. The title bar always present is useless, I can set my title once at the creation of the notebook or modify inside a menu, no need to change on the go. Is better to have all the tools directly clickable like iOS apps and Samsung notes so you can add an image, use a pen, eraser and so on from only one nice and easy to use toolbar. Look at goodnotes and copy from them, it is free to do and your business is so small that they don't even notice that. I hope to see this stuff in order to start using squid as my main note taking app on my matepad pro.
じん commented
BigSam231 commented
I have a prefence for using squid for editing PDFs, but afrer using the default chrome pdf viewer to edit my pdfs, I realised that it's toolbar UI is simply superior. All the tools are placed below the header and are only one click away unlike in squid where you have to click the pen icon to then change the tool. meaning you will at least double click to switch tools. tThe time saved clicking is great when taking notes during lectures.
Anonymous commented
senza dover aprire ogni volti la barra strumenti, metterli tutti pronti all'uso
Armin Weber commented
I have been waiting for this for years. I will be retired in a few years and probably won't see a fix. I am using LectureNotes AGAIN. They just promise and do nothing!
A commented
It's so annoying switching between pen, select, and eraser tools, the most common tools, while uncommon tools like add image and colour picker are right there. It'd be far better if colour, image, shapes, and text were under a menu while pen and eraser and select were out in the open. Even better just have them all out on the top bar on tablets, there's seriously enough room obviously very much definitely enough room so why are they not available?! I'm so sick of it being such a hassle to switch between pen and eraser and select when it should be available with one tap.
Obviously the optimal solution is to just let us choose the UI and what buttons are hidden behind a sort of menu or folder or whatever and which ones are on the toolbar title top part thing. What's so difficult about that?? Whys it taken so long.
aweb72 commented
I think they don't! Have a look at the date of this proposal...
Pablo Hawson commented
Coloquem uma paleta de ferramentas com acesso direto, onde os botões possam ser acessados diretamente e não dentro de submenus.
naveen mishra commented
Do they even work on these feed backs?
Deepan Kumar commented
Enabling one-touch buttons for functions like eraser, highlighter, shapes ans pencil directly on the tool bar. This would make the note-taking a seamless experience. This would also help people using active styluses without buttons or don't want to use them to avoid accidental clicks whilst gripping.
Armin Weber commented
Just a repost as a reminder, it is wished so many times since! Why is there a wish/idea section???
Samstag, 22. Juni 2013, 15:48
it is very annoying to switch between pen, eraser, shapes. if you would give each of them a single icon to switch, it would be muuuuuch more comfortable to use.
Armin Weber commented
Just a repost as a reminder, it is wished so many times since
Sonntag, 27. Januar 2013, 02:07
at least the eraser/pen switcher would be very handy