Please submit one idea at a time. If your idea already exists, vote on it rather than submitting a new idea. If there’s something specific you’d like to mention, add a comment. This helps us quickly see what ideas are most important to our users. Thanks for your feedback!
2901 results found
Writing prediction and freeform filling.
Predicción de escritura y relleno de formas libres.
1 vote -
There should be exit button for the tutorial.
Sometimes I just need a reminder for one part of the tutorial. Its annoying to have to click through the whole tutorial when you already got the information that you wanted.
1 vote -
Chinese Characters Paper
A paper background that is designed for people studying Chinese would be great. With a bigger box with light grid inside so you can practice the size and shape of your characters and a smaller box below for the pinyin.
1 vote -
Page update suggestions
If the overall Mustang page can be quickly selected page number will be better, jump page too much page is too troublesome. In addition, it is suggested to add page bookmark function to mark the overall classification.
1 vote -
Open "new page" on the "last used file" when sharing content from another app
When sharing content from another app to Squid, it would be very useful to append it as a "new page" on the "last opened file". Lecture annotations from different shown content would be very convenient, and would permit last minute polishing before actual archiving.
1 vote -
SonarPenを使えるようにしてはどうでしょうか。 votes -
Create custom page templates
Allow creating a page from any background with content already added to it. This would be great for having logos or text in the same place on every page without having to add it each time.
81 votes -
allow text fields to be vertical, e.g. like how text is written in Japanese
E.g. GIMP supports this feature.
1 vote -
Transparency option for line, square, and citcle
It will be great if the square, line, and circle tools have transparency option in addition to the highlighter.
Since the highlighter is not drawn as straight line automatically (which is also not bad), I use the square option for highlighting sentences or words.
For this, the transparency option will be wonderful.9 votes -
Create two-column paper background.
I need the two-column paper background.
23 votes -
Select Non deleteable tex
Sometimes I write some text and I would like to have a selection tool to fix this text and be able to write around it (like make some coments or anotations) and erase them, without affecting my selected text.
I'm inspired in the case when you import a pdf and you write notes inside the pages, but after all you can erase your notes withouth afecting your pdf text.
2 votes -
4 votes
Cannot check the back page of the keypad while editing text
The page is overlapped with the a4 letter being edited, so even if it is empty at the top 30%, the bottom letter can be edited.
In other words, it is a4 over Peaza
RamenFrom 7 to 0, the text cannot be edited on the screen when the car pad is empty.
The screen is 500dp in Android developer options
Also, in the case of text/text during editing, the upper part of the screen is empty.
편집중인 a4 글자에 페이지 오버랩 되서 상단 약 30% 쪽에 비어 있슴에도…
2 votes -
حلول مشاكل المصادقه عبر إرسال رسالة
مجموعة الأدوات منصةشليله
1 vote -
Make a circle around sth. and hold to crop the circled area
This is a great feature I saw on Meta Moji note lite (app on playstore)
2 votes -
Integrate Squid with Evernote
Integrate squid with Evernote
8 votes -
Expert settings mode
It would be great to have a switch to extend the settings with more personal customizations like color of statusbar, shown icons in top bar, icon size...
3 votes -
Add page number function
It would be very useful if the users could add page number in its notebooks pages. When printed, it becomes easier to go thru the pages when they are numbered.
176 votes -
Leaving after two years of use without adding functionality. I'll be back when U add the hyperlink function, the ability to push the screen
Leaving after two years of use without adding functionality. I'll be back when U add the hyperlink function, the ability to push the screen directly into the screen, and the pen's texture (pencil, etc.)
6 votes -
Matepad pro support
I think that squid should be available to be downloaded at AppGallery and also to be improved use of the m-pencil
1 vote
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