Overview thumbnails within editor screen...
This app is amazing but Because I zoom in when I write cannot tell how close I am to the side or the bottom the page. It would be an amazing option to turn on small overview thumbnail at the bottom of the page that indicated where you were on the page as like a dashed red rectangle and as you scroll around the red box moves around the page directly proportional to the place of the page you are zoomed into. Possibly even have an off, on, and auto setting for this option. The off would be for smaller screens where people can't sacrifice any space and then the auto could show the thumbnail for a second or two when the page is scrolled but then hide it self again. This idea only needs the two outline rectangles to be displayed. Just outer full page rectangle and the inner zoomed in reference rectangle (either could be portrait or landscape of course) where as the actually writing in the note need not be shrunken and displayed in the note for this is just a position reference indicator. Besides the thumbnails in the folder view already have the writing in them. I hope you agree that this idea would be very useful. I use this app in my calculus classes and those equations are loooooong. I can never tell when I am going to run out of room on a line until it is too late and I am scrambling to rewrite it smaller. Thanks for a great app.