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2843 results found
Make a legal pad format 8.5x11 yellow background, ruled lines, red line on left margin
I use this app for note taking for my legal work and it would be nice to have a 8.5x11 yellow legal pad format. Thanks in advance.
2 votes -
Customizable Pen Color Palette
I hate that I cant customize the 18 colors that are "dimmable" for the pen. I use at least 12 different colors when taking notes (colors help dyslexics) and I hate having to search for my colors again when I they disappear off the "recent" section at the bottom. I wish there was an option in settings where you could set the colors at the top so I don't have to hunt for them when they disappear. It is especially frustrating when I can't find my RGB cheat sheet for my preferred colors. It is part of the reason I…
2 votes -
Add to an existing Note
Problem : If I add a Screenshot cut directly from Smart Select (Samsung) you just have the option to add to a new one, not to a existing one.
Maybe a solution: For example Samsung Notes handles this with some sort of Popup App function, so that you have two icons to click at when you share from Smart Select or the Share funktion of any other app.
1 vote -
Black Pen with a White Outline
A black pen that has a white outline would be a very handy tool if you are writing on top of an image and depending on the image, most colours can be very hard to make out.
This would be the same principle as with a mouse cursor, that is either white with a black outline, or the inverse, in order to make it visible over all kinds of coloured backgrounds2 votes -
Packs of simbols.
You should offer packs of simbols that you could buy. For instance electrical and electronic simbols.
2 votes -
Full screen while modyfing/writing on a pdf with a personalizable floating bar
Full screen while modyfing/writing on a pdf with a personalizable floating bar. I think it would be very helpful to have a full screen mode not just while in visualization mode, but also when writing, adding of course also a feature to change page with swiping (maybe with two fingers)
2 votes -
Can this app log in to the ios platform?
Hello, your app is very easy to use, I hope it can appear on the ios platform, so that I can use it better on ipad
2 votes -
Keyboard shortcut
Keyboard shortcuts for insert page, delete page, and to switch between tools (i. e. shortcuts to switch between pen or shape or text or highlighter tool). Will be immensely useful for teaching online.
5 votes -
Farklı cihazlarda da dosyalarımızı görme, hesap açma ve yedekleme özelliği getirilmeli.
1 vote -
Screenshooting by rectangle selection tool
İt would be great to have a tool that screenshoots a spesicific area by drawing a rectangle selection tool and copies the image to the clipboard
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1 vote
Wish more options for pen buttons actions.
Wish more options for pen buttons actions. I would see specially usefull if could draw lines when I push one of the buttons of my stylus.
1 vote -
Record video presentation
Here is a great way to record your presentation with Squid. Install AZ Screen and run that while you do your presentation. Lets you insert camera view of your face, records sound commentary and can edit video at the end of recording.
1 vote -
version control (like git) and the ability of incremental back up
It would be cool if there was some sort of version control of the varius notes like git, this would allow an easy implementation of incremental back up on the cloud ( instead of sending all the notes every time I do a backup)
1 vote -
Optimize battery use
I have noticed that using Squid absolutely kills my battery. I use it every day to write things down on a Samsung Tab S7 and I checked my battery usage for the app over the past week and it says Squid is at 350 % battery usage. Granted I use Squid a lot but It would be nice if it was optimized more to save battery
2 votes -
Reordenar Paginas
No se si se puede, pero me gustaría que en la pantalla donde puedes ver todas las páginas de tu nota, se pudiera arrastrar una página para cambiarla de orden.
Es decir ... si he acabado una Nota que tiene 10 paginas y quiero la página 10 colocarla en la página 2, poder arrastrar la página 10 y colocarla en la segunda posición.Espero haberme explicado
Saludos y gracias1 vote -
copy and paste favorites
it would be awesome if there was the option of saving images, diagrams, things already written, that are used many times, so that the one who need can paste it when it's necessary
2 votes -
4mm squared
I would appreciate a lot if there was also the 4 mm squared
2 votes -
Disable option for pen while zooming in & out
While zooming in & out by pinching on screen, many times pen accidentally draws something on screen.
Manual Disable option of pen while zooming in & out would be helpful12 votes -
Einfügen der Funktion 'Text kopieren'
Leider kann der Text aus PDF-Datei nicht kopiert werden. Dafür muss man extra ein anderes Programm nutzen z. B. Adobe Reader. Die Funktion wäre sehr nützlich z. B. für die Erstellung von Karteikarten.
1 vote
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