Shortcut to note from home screen
I would like the ability to pin a note to the home screen for quick access.

Germanwtb commented
I mean shortcuts in the android api, or even additional launchers so we can jump straight to a new note, even from the s-pen menu.
Anonymous commented
I know that a similar suggestion is out there (I voted for it) but I am not content to type my sticky notes. I found this app while searching for a sticky note that behaves like paper under my stylus. Your app behaves nicely but files the note when I'm done. I need the note on my "desk" where I can see it and cannot forget.
Anonymous commented
I agree. Two options need to be available; one for a specific document, like a to do list, and a second for a new blank piece of paper.
Oded G commented
It has turn up be a note, not a click on the home screen and start writing
Jordan Krueger commented
I second this!