Favorite Pens / Saved Pens / Presets
It would be nice to be able to create a pen (size & color) and then save it as a preset so I can quickly select it without having to manually adjust both the size and color every time I want to change pens.

This is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor. This is one of the options for Fewer clicks to switch tools that we are exploring.
Brett Brewster commented
I would love this functionality! Would like to hear if the dev team has made any decisions on this in the past year?
Anonymous commented
Great idea!
Ruben Haag commented
This would definetly make writing with squid faster!
Anonymous commented
YES, like a panel with recent pen and brush combinatinos,
It really helps not having to go through the tiny top menu every time especially on a slower device. Maybe make it like a taskbar where you can pin your favourite brushes.
Anonymous commented
It's kinda painful to keep click the icon and set the thickness and colour of pens whenever change is needed.
If there is some (like two or three) preference setting of pens and can change one from the other just by single click, it would be much better to use it -
Nattavut Urarungroj commented
Presets are extremely needed
Gabriel commented
Create favorite pens on tool bar.
Gabriel commented
Adicionar mais que uma opção de caneta, já configuradas, pra que não seja necessário ficar escolhendo a cor/expessura a todo momento
Ryan S commented
Having a customizable quick tool palette is my #1 request, also agree with KLB, the slider is a pain for selecting smaller more frequently used widths.
Omar Ashraf commented
▪We can make a bottom slider (that we can swipe left/right). This will allow us to add infinite number of pens.
▪More over we can add an amazing feature to this bottom slider: • Favourite Pens Groups. • a side-button (or side-up/down-slider "that we can swipe up/down") on that bottom slider which will enable us to switch between different favourite-pens-Groups. • Instead of only having one set of favourite pens, we can have multiple sets, each has its pre-defined pens. This will save a lot of time and will help more productivity. • Instead of using a side button on the slider to switch between groups, we can just swipe up/down to switch.
▪I do video tutorials, this will be very helpful while I'm recording the screen not to go to the time wasting steps to switch a color or between a pen or highlighter. -
Jennifer Wiggins commented
Maybe add a "Favorites" or "User Defaults" where you can save up to so many (3-5?) default pen sizes. Kind of like the recently used colors.
test commented
I would like to see the possiblity to add symbols to the toolbar which are shortcuts to tools with custom settings (color, size, ...)
For example I would like to be able to add a blue pen shortcut, and a red pen short cut, and a big green marker shortcut as three different extra symbols, so that I don't have to click through the menu.
Or at least I would like to have a button to revert my tool to the last used one. This would also enable fast switching of tools but wouldn't be customizable and not fit everyones needs. However I think it would be probably easier and faster to implement.
KLB commented
I agree. The slider is fairly jumpy, and even with a S-Pen it's difficult to get down to 0.1 mm increments.
Perhaps another solution is to include a user-input box next to the slider, where users may type-input their desired line thickness.
SJordan commented
When I write notes, I regularly use 2 or 3 stroke sizes:
Maybe 0.5mm for body content (the notes)
Maybe 1.0mm for callouts, bullets, secondary headers, etc.
Maybe 1.5mm for section headersCurrently setting stroke size is a pain between the sizes are on a continuum; I have to be precise to get the size I want.
The continuum is cool and I'm not suggesting remove it, but maybe allow the user to set some defaults that can then be toggled between quickly.
Anonymous commented
Be able to rezise pen and eraser fast, for example by tapping with finger and scrolling with pen at the same time.
Ori commented
Sometimes while writing switching between 2 main colors is needed to work much faster.
Dani Rodríguez commented
Same as Anon, October 19, 2013 9:22 PM. IMHO is the only feature missing to replace S-Note.
Anonymous commented
É ruim ter que configurar toda hora a caneta. Podiam dar opção de podermos pré configurar umas 3 ou 4 canetas para poder usar durante as anotações. No mais, o aplicativo é maravilhoso. Amo vocês!
Aben commented
even the native s-Note app on Samsung phone have this one. it shouldn't be that hard, please we need this. (btw the best app i used so far, that what makes me put this feedback)
Roman Smirnov commented
Need this asap