Favorite Pens / Saved Pens / Presets
It would be nice to be able to create a pen (size & color) and then save it as a preset so I can quickly select it without having to manually adjust both the size and color every time I want to change pens.

This is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor. This is one of the options for Fewer clicks to switch tools that we are exploring.
User commented
It should be like Drawboard PDF on Windows.
Shai Vure commented
Yes, being able to immediately switch between a few different pen size/colour combinations in one tap would really speed up my workflow.
Mick McCarthy commented
I just voted for this as it would be an extremely useful feature, but seeing as these comments date back 9 years & it still hasn't been implemented, I don't hold much hope 😐
Keiner Martínez commented
I've been using Squid for a year and the most annoying part is that I have to change pen styles every time because I like to take notes with different colors and thicknesses.
Please add a feature to save our own styles (Color, Thickness, Pressure) and use them just by tapping one pre-defined style.
Yanling commented
Guys go see OneNote favourite pen and highlighter tools, they have 4 different pen and 2 different highlighters preset (that you can customise) at the top of the page so that you can switch between the presets with ONE TAP
Yanling commented
Please have a favourite pen and highlighter presets like in OneNote where they have 4 favourite pen and 2 favourite highlighters. E.g. Just one tap and you can change switch between blue pen, red pen, green pen, orange pen, yellow highlighter, and pink highlighter. ONE TAP. Also add the option to change your favourite pen/highlighter colours using the normal menu setup that we have now. And if you want other colours, then you go into the options to select and customise them.
Basically just the OneNote setup -
Bittu Dwiwedi commented
It is very important to make this app easier and comfortable
Anonymous commented
Having a toolbar of frequently used customizable brushes (e.g black pen, red pen and orange marker) would double the efficiency of work and improve the experience with app greatly. Now one must do so many clicks when switching between different brushes and colors, back and forth... It gets really annoying and slows down the process of writing.
The toolbar could also have rubber or other most used features set by user.
Thank u for this great app, it makes my school life so much easier. Keep up. :)
SB H commented
bookmark pen tool bar.
color, pen style, thickness setting and bookmark add. -
Γρηγόρης Θεοδωρίδης commented
It would be nice to have some default pen selection and to create and store our own. Also an icon to quick access the pens would be handful
Connor commented
I routinely switch from different pen thicknesses to write titles, sub titles and then regular text. It would be more convenient if I was able to set default pen types and then choose them from the pen toolbox as opposed to setting the exact pen thickness each time.
Jeff commented
Should have a "Favorite tools" section. Something like five or six buttons we can customize for one-click access to our favorite pens/tools.
Anonymous commented
Please implement this and make them easily accessible too! It's one of two features that i miss from one note.
Anonymous commented
Uma forma de salvar as cores favoritas seria muito bom.
Anonymous commented
It will be helpful if the pen properties are locked for particular page.
This will help for writing on two pages simultaneously with two different colours and size -
Olivier Rymann commented
Cornelius Tarnai commented
3 years later and no pen evolution? What's going on, is there any body there?
Gisele commented
Por favor, seria de grande ajuda a melhor disposição das ferramentas, como atalhos de canetas e marca textos, pois é muito dificultoso fazer isso do jeito que está no momento. Assim como abrir vários documentos. Muito obrigada!
Cris Gom commented
I agree with all comments!, how many votes are needed to implement this functions?
Anonymous commented
Es wäre schön, wenn man verschiedene Stifte definieren kann und diese direkt über Tap auswählen kann.