Organize pages
Would be nice to organize pages like delete a single page, move a page in front of other, and so on

You can now easily view all pages in a note by tapping the current page number while in a note!
From this screen you can long press a page, then drag and drop to move the page anywhere in the note.
You can also bulk delete pages in a note by long pressing a page, then tap any additional pages you want to delete, then tap the delete button in the action bar at the top.
In addition, you can clear the current page, select everything on the current page, delete the current page, and insert a page or PDF before or after the current page by long pressing on the current page number.
We’ll continue to add functionality to the page management screen, such as making it easier to insert pages and PDFs, as well as duplicating pages. Stay tuned!
kgingeri commented
Excellent! Thanks Andrew!
Stefan Auler commented
Would be a great addition - often the space on a page isnt sufficiant for all the notes.
Stephan Knull commented
Great to see this app under heave development.
Daena Smith commented
Nora Diaz commented
What a great update for the app! After reading that Papyrus was available for Windows 8.1, I decided to get a Surface Pro 3, hoping to use it to replace my Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 when teaching. While the Surface Pro 3 is wonderful, I still like the Papyrus on Android experience a lot better. I like the interfase on Android better than the one on Windows, and the ability to go into projector mode makes a significant difference for my teaching situation. So for now, basically Papyrus is the only reason still keeping me on an Android tablet.
Kcnatividad commented
Awesome! Thank you, Papyrus.
Jason commented
Need to delete single pages. I messed up a pdf doc by adding a single note page. Now I have to delete the whole doc and import a new one. Not to hard to do, but for the sake pf professionalism, this feature would be good.
Daniel Yii commented
Pleasantly surprised to find that insert and delete pages has been implemented. Thank you, Papyrus
Denis Campezano commented
In my opinion, Papyrus is the best app to write with a s-pen ( Samsung ), I'm waiting this feature to use as a student notebook. sorry for my poor english.
Daniel Yii commented
I must feedback that the lack of status update with an open end on this long standing issue, despite us wanting to know is quite disappointing
Stephan Knull commented
That's great news! Thanks!!
warren commented
I'm adding my comment as well. Papyrus has become the most useful app I think I've ever used on any smart phone. I use it for all my classes, personal notes, drawings, etc. Please start rolling out the missing features ie: the ability to delete pages within notes should be a standard functionality.
Anonymous commented
2 YEARS where's that organization system that was coming soon....?
Daniel Yii commented
I read some posts that ppl are willing to pay for this feature? when it is actuallly a very basic requirement, no?. It's like paying for the seat of a car you buy. I guess it shows how badly we need this fundamental organising feature.
Daniel Yii commented
I will move back from snote when this feature is available. Been waiting for some time. Good to know it's coming.
Anonymous commented
Could we get an update on this please? It is a really useful feature and necessary when writing notes. It is annoying to have to refer between pages rather than being able to have continuous set of notes.
Anonymous commented
So when is this "soon"? It really thwarts this otherwise rather nice tool in practical use. Ofter there is not enough spacw0e on one slide to do all the annotations and then what? Please add ASAP
Leszek Zietara commented
This is long overdue, and the only really important item still missing from an excellent app.
Leszek Zietara commented
The only important option that is missing from an otherwise excellent app is the ability to delete a single page from a note.
Anonymous commented
showing all pages in thumbnails is a very important feature indeed! with the lecturer jumping back and forth making references, it's good to see the page before u select, in many cases, the page number does not help as there's no way to know which page contains the content without seeing it