Organize pages
Would be nice to organize pages like delete a single page, move a page in front of other, and so on

You can now easily view all pages in a note by tapping the current page number while in a note!
From this screen you can long press a page, then drag and drop to move the page anywhere in the note.
You can also bulk delete pages in a note by long pressing a page, then tap any additional pages you want to delete, then tap the delete button in the action bar at the top.
In addition, you can clear the current page, select everything on the current page, delete the current page, and insert a page or PDF before or after the current page by long pressing on the current page number.
We’ll continue to add functionality to the page management screen, such as making it easier to insert pages and PDFs, as well as duplicating pages. Stay tuned!
TC commented
That's great. But I think users are also hoping to be able to move pages between notes - not just within the same note. Squid being a scribbling tool, I have the tendency to sometimes mistakenly opening up a note that may be related to another note dealing with a similar topic, start writing, only to realize that the page I've been writing on would be more relevant in a different note. Please consider adding this feature.
Anonymous commented
Will you be adding the ability to move a page to a different note?
Alessio g. commented
you can't insert pdf in the windows version. please resolve.
Christian Dümmer commented
This is a wonderful implementation! Love to see Squid continue to respond de user feedback. Thanks a lot!
kgingeri commented
New beta is working great! Thanks!!!
Anonymous commented
1 page content deletion
Wayne Rigsby commented
In the android version Organizing page is alltogether not possible anymore as of January 2016
Shinn commented
I want to jump to a particular page when reading pdf. It's a necessary function for Squid.
clemente commented
Insert an page between two pages or delate it
Anonymous krub commented
I wish I could choose which page I can go to easily and quickly.
I want much more --faster--- processes esp. saving picture.
I want to have some tools like; break a new page, add little notes, add comments, add pages between lots of contents, more accessible and easier subtools of each tool. -
hackasc commented
it's has this feature.
Dotan Cohen commented
When on the page that you wish to delete, you can delete it by long-tapping the page number and then selecting "Delete page". I agree that the long-tap is completely non-discoverable.
Adam commented
Add more pages to the jump to page window.
Anonymous commented
Can you guys sneak in a page count indicator for the notebook view, please? Something like (1) Notebook Name, where 1 comes from ({x: 1 < x <= notebook.pages.length}) ;)
Erik commented
Be nice to move a page from notebook to notebook
Manuela commented
Maybe I just didn't notice the option , but I would like to rearrange my notes into and within my notebooks.
Is there already a way?
If not , this would be much appreciated!
Best regards
Manuela -
Memophiles Anonymous commented
This is the only absent feature that's keeping me in Evernote. I will totally pay for PRO features once this gets implemented. Please consider implementing this soon!
Anonymous commented
This is a great app. But, I agree with comment below ... "You guys are way too slow. This improvement is minimal, and took forever!
I like the app, but you have to speed up!" -
Denis Campezano commented
Thank you!!!
Anonymous commented
You guys are way too slow. This improvement is minimal, and took forever!
I like the app, but you have to speed up!