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2358 results found
Add header to top of Exports (and cloud exports) and/or as default in pages.
Two features but related.
Firstly when exporting to image or PDF optionally (as a setting) place the title (name), date created and date modified at the top of each page.
Secondly (or alternatively) automatically add the date a page was created (as a text object) to the top of each page as it is created.
This would really help with note taking.
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allow custom sheets from pdf
I want a weekly sheet with dates to show up so i can simply write in my appointments and such. I prefer using the s pen than typing every in.
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access to copy/paste on action bar
I have to select some text to be able to get to the copy/paste menu.
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allow to place circles using the middle point instead of the edge of a virtual box
That would be a good improvement to an allready implement feature. Circles are pretty hard to place acurately the way they work right now
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5 votes
5 votes
System-wide pen shortcut to start new note
System-wide pen shortcut/gesture to start a new note, like the pen double-tap (button pressed) on Galaxy Note. It works anywhere, no matter what app you are currently in, brings up a new empty note "on top" of what you are doing, allowing you to quickly jot something down. I use it every day!
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Paste setting for color of pasted text. I like to use black canvas. So when i paste, the pasted black text doesn't show up & it's confusing
I have to change the canvas color in order to highlight the text and change it from black to something else that contrasts. So a text paste pre-set chosen color (like pen color choice) would be great. Then i wouldn't have to keep changing the canvas color away from black just to see the pasted text.
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Easy share
Currently I have to try sending twice to send a single file. Please take care of that feature. Would also like you to make all the tool more accessible (quick).
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Remove the big mouse arrow and replace it with a simple dot like google keep notes
While writing with an external pen tab connected to my android phone it shows a big mouse arrow which does not allow me to see properly what I am writing as well as does not give me a correct idea of where my pen is right now. Instead you can replace it with a simple small dot like google keep notes.
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Being able to have one note in more than one notebook
Normally, when moving a note from Notebook 1 to Notebook 2, it causes the note to be removed from Notebook 1, and I think there should be the option of having the same note in more than one Notebook. e.g. A note in both Notebook 1 and Notebook 2.
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4 votes
adding gifs to the notes
As a student, its really hard sometimes to revise. So its easier as a visual memory. Hence adding the gifs so it saves a lot of time. And also in presentations its really cool.
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Undo on two finger double tap
Please add an option in the settings for two finger double tap to undo last stroke.
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correção da caligrafia
seria interessante se fosse possível melhorar a escrita a mão, notei que em outros apps há uma correção da linha escrita, a minha letra sai muito torta deixando assim meus resumos muito feios, e para tentar melhorar tenho que escrever devagar, e isso atrasa demais os estudo, e assim com o app melhorando a escrita ficaria bem melhor e agregaria mais um recurso interessante e com toda certeza vai trazer mais usuários.
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More drawing tools
More drawing tools like polygons, some polyhedrons, arrows, stars, hearts, etc
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Recording tool
As an university student being able to record while taking notes will awesome, even better if pressing on a text would rewind to what it was being recorded in that moment!
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Páginas em modo de rolagem contínuo
Gostaria que houvesse a possibilidade de desativar a mudança de páginas através das setas, deixando que elas rolem uma abaixo da outra. As vezes para resolver exercícios em PDF isso acaba ficando complicado
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4 votes
Android Leiste (am unteren Bildrand) vollständig automatisch ausblenden
Ich empfehle die Android Leiste am unteren Bildschirmrand optional komplett zu deaktivieren bzw. auszublenden. Den Zurück Button kann man ja bereits deaktivieren.
Das Problem ist, das ich beim Notizen erstellen häufiger versehentlich mit dem Handballen auf die Homebutton Funktion komme und sich die Squid App dann schließt bzw. diese im Hintergrund verschwindet und das erneute Öffnen der Squid App dann unnötige Zeit kostet.
Ich wäre sehr dankbar für die Behebung des Problems.
4 votes
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