Fewer clicks to switch tools
I'd like to have fewer clicks to change tools. Like changing from pencil to eraser or shapes. Maybe there could be a quick change or some defaults.
To change tools, you have to
1. click the tools menu
2. Click the tab of the tool
3. Choose the specific tool
4. Click out of the menu
Then, you can start using it. And that is without changing any tool options.

This is one of our top priorities for the Squid10 note editor.
Anonymous commented
I would like to know if it is possible to stick the rubber and pen at the SAME TIME in the upper bar.
Marco commented
That ideia would be awesome. Just put like 3 empty button spaces at the top bar so that we could add our own actions. I would add to that too 3 more buttons for shortcuts for the most used colors. Or just put many more button spaces that we can choose from actions or colors. Thanks.
Anonymous commented
Shortcuts for highlighters please. Ive assigned my finger touch and pen button for other features i wish i could switch b/w pen/highlighters swift and quick
huge millipede!!!!!! commented
I need to be able to choose between writing, selecting, and inputting text without dealing with a drop-down menu, so it would be great to be able to place these items individually along the top toolbar. I waste time and attention during lecture navigating unnecessary menus. Also I would prefer not to have pen options (width, etc.) drop down every time I select the pen, but rather choose to view those by holding or double-tapping the icon. Likewise with adding images; I always use the camera and have to take my attention away from the lecture to redundantly select it.
Sebastian commented
Now you have to use the pen menu for a change of the pen function, like from writing to erasing. It's laboriously. If in the menu bar icons, it would be more easy and effective.
It would be perfect, if you can choose your favourite functions. -
Anonymous commented
i think this is very very essential update. please make it available! thanks
Anonymous commented
It'd be great if I could drag a pen option (like "change pen color to blue") to an empty bit of space on the top bar
Anonymous commented
Create a favourites bar to quickly and easily allow switching between tools withouth having to go through the menu.
Anonymous commented
Ability to customize the tool icon space above the paper. I would like to add, remove and rearrange the placement of icons that stand for tools, colors, and functions. For instance, I would like to have at least two color squares so that I can more quickly change from one color to another. Maybe have two pencil icons with different thickness. Having to dig into a drop down menu slows down the process. There seems to be plenty of real estate on my large Galaxy 12.2 tablet to accomodate addition icons. I would also like to have control of which icon goes where to make it truly fitted to the way I work. Thanks for the great job on a useful tool.
Anonymous commented
Agree!!! I like to swtich between pen and highlighter and wish i could just do this with one touch! Would love to see this simplified and more accessable.
Alternate idea: Create your own quick access toolbar of favourites/shortcuts of customised tools you use often (including colour, size etc). -
Ralf commented
Can please somebody official comment why there is no change in the usability for over 2 years? How can you expect somebody to rent your program if there is no basic progress.
Ryu commented
And DON'T MAKE THIS A PREMIUM FEATURE please... If im going to get the premium at all, though it's not the most expansive thing 1$ a month or 6 a year, still feels greedy for almost enough features.
If only S note had infinite page length...this is what makes squid for me. -
Ryu commented
OMG this is so obvious, I used the app for 5 mins and I was like "why I need to click the pen, change tab to eraser pick eraser, erase and then the whole process again for the pencil... Put the pencil and eraser tools on the main menu bar so you can change between them in 1 click.
I can't use my finger to erase (that was the default) because that's for panning, until they put air panning like in the S note app. -
Anonymous commented
I customized my s pens button to work as an eraser. Works great, it's better than using my finger to erase as I would accidentally erase important notes. My finger now works as the selection tool
Francois Lachance-Guillemette commented
À million times this! I want at least a quick eraser button
Farhang commented
I beg u pls separate the tools (pen,eraser,colors) from eachother like onenote android or at least make it optional bcaz its so probable to erase parts (while using finger eraser) and bores me, than I don't study so u have to pay compensation :))
Anonymous commented
Own button for the eraser on front menu.
Allow users (without S-pens etc.) to quickly switch to the eraser tool without having to click into the pen tools list first.
Anonymous commented
Dear Squid,
Is there plans to add the ability to add acustom toolbar
Similar to MS paint? It is very cumbersome to switch between select and pencil modes.
I would pay for this feature.
Please respond. -
Hon Chong Chang commented
Or make the settings allow me to define different tools for different buttons/finger/secondary button. So I can make text, lines, pen, box, assignments.
goergner commented
Yes, please do it.