Fewer clicks to switch tools
I'd like to have fewer clicks to change tools. Like changing from pencil to eraser or shapes. Maybe there could be a quick change or some defaults.
To change tools, you have to
1. click the tools menu
2. Click the tab of the tool
3. Choose the specific tool
4. Click out of the menu
Then, you can start using it. And that is without changing any tool options.

This is one of our top priorities for the Squid10 note editor.
Merg commented
I would like to chime in too. I just purchased squid because its so good, but I used One Note and one thing they did good on the full version of the surface was the ability to customize and place short cuts of whatever pencil or highlighter color in a couple of custom spaces.
It looked really pretty too. You would be able to create for example an orange highlighter and place it into one of the empty boxes up top and the icon would reflect as well. You'd see only the tip of the highlighter but you would know its a highlighter because of its angled edge and its color being orange. The same thing goes for a pencil or pen, you would be able to tell based on the tip of the tool in the icon and the color.
Hazem Darwish commented
The upper bar can be filled with shortcuts to tools and pen seizes and colours, there is a lot of wasted space, there is no need for a drop down list and a dozen of colours that we don't need
Anonymous commented
I find myself constantly switching back and forth between the pen tool and highlighter. It'd be nice to be able to just hold down on the tool button when the pen/highlighter is chosen and have it switch to the other.
Laura Chalifoux commented
I agree - a single-tap eraser tool is essential. I find myself tapping undo a bunch of times, when I would prefer to just use the eraser. Silly, I know, but a common user experience response to multiple level access.
Jason commented
110% agree! I use this app everyday, this is a necessity.
Jason commented
Totally agree! Custom buttons for either pen, marker, highlighter and choosing different color inks. This seems like such an easy addition.
João do Carmo Maia de Medeiros commented
Não consigo realizar o pagamento das ferramentas
George commented
An extra option on the toolbar so, as an example, a pen and a highlighter can be side by side, making it easier to switch between them when annotating. Going through menus to change the tools and colours back and forth becomes a hassle (see Onenote as an example)
Anonymous commented
Make one that shortcuts could be added to toolbar and looks more like s notes brush but with all options of shapes and brush at the same time. Too many clicks really. Too inefficient
Raúl F commented
I second this. The top menu should have 5 input tool icons:
pen - marker - eraser - color picker - other tools
The insert image icon can be moved into the 'other' category. As it stands now very common actions involve too many clicks. It's too much of a phone interface.
Anonymous commented
The option to set shortcuts on the top bar of the app to commonly used tools would be great. For example, 1 mm black pen, 1 mm red pen, 6mm 30% yellow highlighter, 0.5 mm black rectangle, 1 mm eraser, or selection tool. Maybe just 3-5 buttons we can set to tools of our choosing.
Anonymous commented
There is a lot of wasted space on the top toolbar of the app. It doesn't make sense that I have to go into a menu to switch to an eraser or lasso tool when there is so much unused real estate for buttons.
I do love Squid, but it drives me crazy to have to tap so many times for simple things.
If I could quickly lasso some stuff to change colors it would save me a lot of time and anguish.
Anonymous commented
Hi, your app is realy great, thank u for that, but there are some features that are just not effective enough and cause time waisting:
Right now the process is long and not neccesery at all, instead of tap on pen tool>choose marker\eraser\cutting tool>choose kind of these things>choose color>tap again on empty place to close the menu that I will be able to write, just put these options right on the toolbar.
If I want marker I pick marker, if I want cutting tool I pick cutting tool, just like that right away!, and for the thickness or transparency- they can be in the secondary menu by a long tapAnd if from some reason you guys dont want to make these changes so at least make the secondary tools picking menu, automaticly close himself after picking tools.....
Ahmed Ali commented
Selecting a specific width for a pen can be tedious so having a shortcut for pens with a specific width and colour would be very helpful
Maks Žbogar commented
Samsung Chromebook Plus does not have an active stylus, so switching from pen to eraser and back to pen, is realy time consuming task. I for example, would easily trade existing cast icon for an eraser tool. I also believe the Eraser tool should be accessible directly from toolbar.
Anonymous commented
Sir my problem is that whenever I switch between pencil,eraser selection mode and text mode or change colour ,I have to face a dialogue box(selection box) which is very irritating for me kindly make it optional and meme it just like new page option and also remove transparency on adjusting the page...
and one more thing add an feature for adjusting page right I use two finger which is also irritating for me kindly fix it -
Matthew Rine commented
At least give the option to either combine pen tools or not. Especially on Chromebooks, there's plenty of room to separate them out.
Anonymous commented
Have the bar at the top of the screen show favourite tools (eg: selection, true eraser, pen and often used colours). Makes it easier to switch between tools in a fast paced class!
Also, would be nice if notes could be combined into one file before upload. (eg Note A, Note B, Note C --> Note ABC --> dropbox)
Matusalém Pacheco commented
When I am copying, I miss a quick access toolbar to change the color of the pen quickly. Apps such as LectureNotes and Inkrredible have these functions. Switching between the pen and the drawing tool(line, square) is slow too.
Matusalém Pacheco commented
I agree. Others apps have these basic functions