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2843 results found
2 votes
Zeitlich begrenzter highlighter
Ein highlighter, der jedoch nach wenigen Sekunden automatisch wieder verschwindet. Beim Vorlesen möchte ich oft bereits geschriebenes noch mal in Erinnerung rufen. Hierfür wäre es sehr hilfreich, wenn man bereits beschriebene Bereiche temporär unterstreichen / highlighten könnte, damit klar ist, auf welche Zeile man sich grad bezieht.
2 votes -
Toolbar button for toggling the finger mode. Or a dedicated toolbar button for the eraser.
I often find myself going back to previous notes and editing them. The issue I'm running into is that when I lay my palm on the screen to edit or comment on previous notes, the section of screen that my palm first touches starts erasing existing notes if there are any; the screen doesn't detect the stylus quickly enought! Would love to see a button in the toolbar that lets me actively toggle the "use finger to erase" feature that is so handy!!!! No pun intended there.
1 vote -
1 vote
A scale feature is better for this app
Pls improve the app by a scale feature
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1 vote
Customizable template size, logo, the same text in all bloc.
Customizable perfil and more pencils types.1 vote -
Aggiunta funzioni
L'app è fantastica ma mancano alcune funzioni come la sincronizzazione delle note su dispositivi diversi, sotto-cartelle per archiviare note, strumenti di disegno come righello goniometro o altre forme geometriche. Per il resto un po di colore in più non guasterebbe<3
2 votes -
2 votes
Export multiple pages in jpeg
It would be great if we are able to export multiple pages in jpeg or png. Sometimes, I dont need it in pdf form. Please make it high resolution as well. I tried to screenshot the pages but looks so bad. So, I would appreciate it. Thank you!
1 vote -
cores de papel
poderia ter uma função de como mudar as cores de papel, rosa, azul, etc. Deixaria o aplicativo mais chamativo e mais especificado.
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Customizable Android navigation button location
[similar to another request, but this solution is better]
Please make the location of the Android navigation buttons configurable.
I find that the Android navigation buttons are in the way when I use the app. An easy fix would be to shift the buttons to the top or left of the screen. The left would suit me best, but I guess right would be better for left-handers. Top would also be okay. Basically anywhere other than where they are would be better.
I have tried switching to gestures instead, but that that didn't seem to work for me (too old…
1 vote -
keyboard Shortcuts
You Are amazing!! I use your app using the Pen, my hands and the keyboard and mouse as pointer at the same time.
It would be GREAT if the keyboard+mouse would be recognized as external tools as well as already happens with the pen, so that I could add text without switching instruments every yime. such system could also include shortcuts in order to change colour, instruments, shape and dimension very quickly
12 votes -
Add color schemes for app.
Having a couple of color schemes (themes?) to choose from for the app would be awesome. I can live with the existing teal or aqua or whatever it is, but I would rather not. :-)
2 votes -
2 votes
Cismin sayfayı ortalama özelliği
Seçtiğimiz el yazısını, bilgisayar yazısını, fotoğrafı, şekli vb şeyleri sayfanın enine göre ortasına ve boyuna göre ortasına yerleştirme özelliğinin gelmesi bence birçok kişinin işine yarayacaktır. Bende dahil. Teşekkürler.
2 votes -
Sugarsync as an added CloudSync
It would be good to expand the Cloud Providers sync, and I would position Sugarsync, on top of Dropbox and Box
2 votes -
Insert pictures
If i want to insert pictures i first have to safe them on my tablet. Please make it possible to just copy and jnsert them withiut saving.
43 votes -
홈버튼이 눌리지 않게..
쓸때마다 홈버튼이 눌려서 앱에서 나가집니다. 이전버튼만 안눌리게 하지마시고 홈버튼도 안눌리게 추가하기죠. 항상 불편해하다가 삼성노트는 필기할 때 하단바 자체가 없어지는 것을 보고 구독취소합니다.
Function that no activating to out of note editer when I touch back button is good. But I want to you add home button this function also. Sorry I am not good at English.2 votes -
영어노트도 만들어주세요!
영어도 필기하고 싶은데 영어노트가 없네요ㅠㅠ
1 vote
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