Fewer clicks to switch tools
I'd like to have fewer clicks to change tools. Like changing from pencil to eraser or shapes. Maybe there could be a quick change or some defaults.
To change tools, you have to
1. click the tools menu
2. Click the tab of the tool
3. Choose the specific tool
4. Click out of the menu
Then, you can start using it. And that is without changing any tool options.

This is one of our top priorities for the Squid10 note editor.
Anonymous commented
It's too hard to switch between selecting and writing. When in selection mode, a quick double tap should take you back to writing mode.
Nor commented
Switching betwen pencil, keyboard, hilight need to be done quickly.
Marcello commented
I would also like to see a customizable toolbar where you can place the tools that you need most. Also, it would be better to place the highlighter next to the pen instead of at the bottom of the pen drop-down window (this just adds an extra click to get to the tool).
I think the customizable toolbar feature is very urgently needed and if its difficult to make the toolbar entirely customizable, at least add 5 slots to customize (maybe more slots for tablets).
Ralf commented
I´m disappointed in the development of Squid.
The prime focus should be improving the interface of notetaking, not changing the Design or add additional features or even porting the App to different eco systems.A customizable toolbar with control over click counts is a must have for an app like this.
The Team (?) behind Squid surely has a lot on their mind, but it seems you lost the sense for what is really important.
Anyone agreeing with me? Comment here with a " + "
aweb7 commented
The only reason why I dont use the app. By the way i paid all extensions.
Sadir Omer commented
I'd refer if v had the small toolbar so that we can have a few of our favouritre colors so that v can access them quickly
Anonymous commented
Xodo has a wonderful feature that would enhance Papyrus. You can do a long touch anywhere on the screen of a document and up pops a little tool menu with your most important tools. It allows the user to very quickly and efficiently switch between free writing with an active stylus, entering text with a keyboard, highlighting and erasing, for example. If drawing/writing with an active stylus has been chosen as the default entry mode then choosing a different tool from the pop up menu, e.g. erasing, can only be done with a finger. As soon as you touch the screen again with your stylus you are back to writing/drawing per your default choice. This makes for very efficient and easy annotating of PDF Files, for example, as does Xodo's continuous vertical scroll.
Anonymous commented
Allow shortcuts to things like the eraser or different colors and pens on the toolbar at the top. Currently the toolbar is too deep, and there are too many button presses to switch between pen and eraser and line and black and green and red. There is lots of empty space on the toolbar that can be utilized by shortcuts.
Anonymous commented
YES, YES, YES! You can either just put them all directly on the bar or, even better, make it customizable...allow me to select which tools to have on the bar.
siddhartha mahapatra commented
the writing and eraser tools etc should be at the top bar separately for quick switching
Anonymous commented
Switching from stylus to highlighter and back again could be easier if all choices were visible in the menu bar rather than having to click through several choices. Defaults for each could be set for on the fly changes. Two or three other options could also be user selectable and also visible for quick changes in pen, color, thickness, etc
Stefanie commented
Please put the tools directly on the toolbar. So we can switch tools more easily!
Anonymous commented
Yes! It's rather cumbersome to switch tools. It should only take one touch to do this.
Massimo commented
A customizable tool bar would be great. Better with less spacing between icon to gain more room for other buttons
Crispian commented
I would include "paste" being always visible as I often copy things from one page, notebook to another and it is a bit clumsy to to at present
Tyler Earnest commented
There really needs to be some presets that are quickly accessible at the tool bar. It would be great to quickly switch between a thick red pen and a fine blue pin as I'm editing papers.
Anonymous commented
The option to set your finger as the eraser is already available...
Anonymous commented
Joona E commented
Im using a 10.1 display, and I would prefer free custom slots, next to or below the current toolbar, thats content the user could alter according his own choosing
Sarah commented
I think it would be cool to have one of those "multi-use buttons" where you touch the button and drag in a certain direction. So touch and drag left would go to pen, touch and drag right would be eraser, touch and drag down would do select.