Customizable tool bar
It might be minor, but I wish I could customize the tool bar such that I could put frequently used things like specific color (black, red), scissor, eraser etc.. on the tool bar directly. Currently you have to click through buttons, and although it's only one or two clicks away, it does matter while you're trying to quickly annotate stuff

This is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor.
Chris Abruzzo commented
Looks like people have been asking for custom toolbar shortcuts since 2013 it is 2021. As a developer are you planning on adding this feature? Or should we look for different software if we want this option? Does the developer even get these messages?
In fact!!! Sometimes, I want to insert lines. To do it, I have to click a lot of times. The inclusion of shortcuts will be too much useful.
DKS commented
Urgently needed frequent colors on the toolbar. The pen and Lasso tools should be different.
Leon commented
very important!
Jaime Navarro Tapia commented
PLEASE! We all need it
Eugene M commented
Until Google adds support for the side button in Chrome OS, this will be the best next thing - pick selection/lasso mode with one click and select between pens and highlighter of 3 colours.
Anonymous commented
I would also like to be able to decide the location of the toolbar. I think a side orientation would reduce make the buttons more accessible.
Martin Vignon commented
It Can be Amazing that we Can add a page in thé middle or a pdf as we Can enclave one between to pages. All or that in a single Roll bar
Oscar commented
That's exactly what I need! I need to have my frequent colors on the tool bar directly.
Ethan commented
Matt commented
Olivier Rymann commented
Jason commented
I just posted the same idea. The original post was back in 2013!!!! C'mon folks, I can't see this being a difficult addition to the app. Seeing this makes me think I should explore other app options.
Hey Squid, should I?
JTS commented
This quick-bar should also pop up with one press of the S-Pen button and it should have the option to be round as well like the original S-Pen menu.
Anonymous commented
kalem renkleri değiştirirken ekran kaplanıyor daha önce belirlediğimiz dört renk üst bannerde yer alabilir
Sarah commented
This and it would be cool to have a quick bar of different pens (set thickness you selected), highlighters, etc.
Or maybe the quick bar is preset options like
* Type (Pen, highlighter)
* Color
* Thickness
* (Opacity for highlighter)That way you can make a set of predefined pens or highlighters you most use.
I would enjoy the vertical bar of choices on the side that has a grip so you can move it around the page if needed. Also if it had a button to rotate it to a horizontal bar that would be great too.
I typically find myself using the same 5 presets in my notes, so this would help speed up my note taking.
GregM commented
Yes -- down the right side of the page would be my preferred position. Or, make it repositionable, like Lecturenotes. One tap to change tools! ...It's wearing my arm off how it is! :-(
aweb7 commented
I actually like papyrus, got all paid extensions. But changed to LectureNotes because of the lack of more useful buttons. I can hardly believe that it so difficult to program more useful buttons. I would pay for them....
Viggo Liljefors commented
Agreed! That's the only real issue with this app.
J. Welter commented
This would be so awesome. Quill and lecture notes already have user customizable mini menu for pen or other tools. I love Papyrus, and this feature would make it perfect.