Organize pages
Would be nice to organize pages like delete a single page, move a page in front of other, and so on

You can now easily view all pages in a note by tapping the current page number while in a note!
From this screen you can long press a page, then drag and drop to move the page anywhere in the note.
You can also bulk delete pages in a note by long pressing a page, then tap any additional pages you want to delete, then tap the delete button in the action bar at the top.
In addition, you can clear the current page, select everything on the current page, delete the current page, and insert a page or PDF before or after the current page by long pressing on the current page number.
We’ll continue to add functionality to the page management screen, such as making it easier to insert pages and PDFs, as well as duplicating pages. Stay tuned!
Daniel Yii commented
Couldn't agree more. I need this pretty badly.
Randy Astle commented
I may have to find another note app if basic features like this aren't added. My notes are becoming too hard to manage.
Paothep Pichanusakorn commented
Seriously, ability to delete page and reorder page would make this app so much better. I do hate having that last blank page, especially when you print it to pdf. Worse, there is no current page counter. So sometime you have no idea what is the last page, and you are force to keep going until you go one page pass your last page. And voila! you get a blank last page :(
Shamindra Ghosh commented
This is a must feature. I bought the toolpack version hoping this would be availble but it's not :(
Youna commented
It's surprising that such important feature has not been added for for ten months. How else would you organize, really? Although pretty smooth and clean and I like unlimited pages function, I probably won't choose this app for keeping any real notes! lol
Cesar Cordova commented
I would be very, very, very, helpful to have page manager functions
- be able to name a page
- be able to display the list of page numbers and names and to tap to that page
- be able to reorder pages
- be able to insert a page
- be able to delete a page
- be able to insert the list of pages as a table of contents or as a cover -
Martise Armstrong commented
And be able to sort your notes within a notebook manually in the order you want them ( in other words, not just alphabetically and date created).
Aris Korbetis commented
Deleting the first page and adding at the end, is a nice way to have an ongoing todo list. When you complete the page, delete it and, TADAAA the second page of your todos, becomes first. I'd probably kill for that (well, i'd kill a fly or something...)
Stefan Weinzierl commented
an essential feature I think:
- insert/ delete a page after/ before
- copy it to another notebookadditionally it should be possible to create an index to jump to pages beyond the first to keep an overview about your content; maybe with page titles
Anonymous commented
Completely agree. Also inserting blank pages in the middle of the note.
Anonymous commented
Totally agree. Would be nice to be able be able to give pages titles and see them in the folder structure I.e
Notebook - UML notes
Note - Main diagrams
Page 1 - Class diagram
Etc.Folders. To contain notebooks would be good too!
Anonymous commented
Seriously? The program doesn't allow me to delete a page? That's not good...
Xiao FENG commented
Also, don't forget duplicate page. The current copy & paste doesn't duplicate on the stroke level, so the quality of the new copy is often unsatisfactory.
François Lahaye commented
Well it is true, I added 2 pages instead of 1 and I can't delete it. And manage pages would be great too.
Otherwise this app is really great. -
Daniele Andreoli commented
It'd be very useful !!!
Anonymous commented
Being able to delete/re-order the pages are important!!
imakulate commented
Yes, please allow deleting of individual pages and changing order of pages.
Anonymous commented
Need Delete!!!!!
Thiago commented
In my opinion this is a basic and crucial feature for the application.
Anonymous commented
Well, I can't use this app because of that. Sorry.