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2965 results found
Include a mirror / flip selected image tool:
Use "Select" tool then choose mirror / flip tool. Once selected a straight line would then be drawn where the mirror edge would be then tapping the side of line which is the desired section to be mirrored would cause the unselected side to be eliminated while the selected side is copied in reverse along the axis line. the selected side would then be automatically be selected for further orientation manipulation. As usual, tapping outside of selected image causes deselection.
8 votes -
Lock / Freeze / Pin the current view
When i draw surveys i pan and zoom around and then rest my palm on the tablet to start adding notes/dimestions etc, there is sometimes a stutter/shuffle as the app tries to perform a pan function due to my palm being picked up as a 2 finger prod. this results in the stylus not being exactly where i planned it to be and can lead to lines not being perfectly lined up or wobbly notes.
If a toolbar button could pin the page at its current view which would then allow for accurate drawing/writing, pick/toggle the button again to allow…
12 votes -
Ability to change the color of a certain word in a textbox
if you have an sentence, like "the following word should be blue" -> that you don't need to make an extra textfield just to add the word blue in a blue color.
That would be nice / is necessary for a good workflow.
2 votes -
video draw
I would like an option to record my draw in a video with my voice, like "draw my life". I believe thats is nice to professors and to explain didaticly to other person. As im talking im drawing, like a cartoon.
6 votes -
default page type should be notebook specific
I have multiple notebooks for class, but some I'd like to be graph paper by default and some I'd like to be lined by default. I should be able to have individual settings be notebook specific
19 votes -
Enable app to open in front of lock screen
I would love for the app to be able to open in front of the lock screen, at least when the shortcut to create a new note is used.
I would use this together with the app s-pen Toolbox or s-pen launcher to create a new note when i take out the pen. Even better would be if papyrus supported this by it own.
4 votes -
make the recent colors only for the current note, or colors used in one note
Currently the recent colors box shows every color I have used ever it should only show colors in the current note
6 votes -
See total number of pages
I miss that I can't see how many pages a note have. Now I must check on the arrow all the time. If it said 1(2) then I would know I have two pages and I became happy!
42 votesThis is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor.
Screen Orientation Lock
Add a setting to always display Papyrus in either landscape or portrait.
20 votes -
the ability to see my notes all at the same time, 1 page collage
Like PowerPoint slide viewer or like a story board, so as you are creating your drawing you will be able to see the flow of your story from birds eye view...
Currently you have to scroll down so the effect is not the same, plus it has those extra tags, when the note was created not add those tags In storyboard view
2 votes -
Add a navigation window
This is different from the "zoom are for writing" idea.
Having a small square that you can drag around with the preview of the full page will allow to navigate a heavily zoomed-in page without sacrificing drawing area.9 votes -
Enable Air View Scrolling
Add the ability / option to use Air View scroll when using a Samsung S-Pen on Galaxy Note 2. In the samsung apps you can scroll by hovering the S-Pen near to the edge of the screen. It would be great if we could scroll around notes like this.
22 votes -
10 votes
Add search engines and Wolframalpha
Add this functionality to search notes and equations on the internet.
11 votes -
make a multi-line-segment tool with editable nodes. So its possible to draw any desired shape, like irregular polygons
Multi-line-segment tool for making random shapes
14 votes -
add intelligent objects
e.g a circled t for a task that connects the line to a todo list or a circeld c that connects the following line to the calender...
14 votes -
Yellow legal paper
It's always interesting, when giving presentations (I teach note-taking) to offer pics of 'real' notepads. So I suggest perhaps different backgrounds, such as legal note pads.
37 votes -
The ability to create chapters in a note
It would be awesome if you could create chapters in a note so that you get an index of what is in the note and easy shortcuts to jump to a sertain chapter in that note. It already exists in pdf documents. That would be really helpfull as I don't need to create a new note for every single lecture to keep track of them.
9 votes -
Improve integration with Evernote by re-using note title
Evernote integration today seems to only attach the PDF to Evernote. It would be handy if Evernote was pre-populated with the note title and any keywords (see my other feature request) when the PDF is attached.
26 votes -
Change page type of an entire note
Let's say you have a note with a lot of pages and you want to print them. Most users use for handwriting a page type with lines or squares. But if you want to print the note out, the squares and lines are only good for draining your ink empty.
So I would suggest to add the feature to the "export to pdf" dialogue where you should be able to select: "different page type - blank" aso.
As I use papyrus in my physic studies (lectures at university) for ALL written notes (>20 pages per day), I suggest under the…
26 votes
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