Import more than just PDF files (Ex: .doc[x], .odt, .ppt[x], etc.)
I'd love to see Papyrus be able to import other file formats, since instructors, in my experience, rarely supply their class notes as .pdf. More often they provide them as .doc/.docx (support for both is necessary, since most non-MS Office programs I've experienced don't save in .docx. I rarely see .odt or other odd formats, but some people might use it) or .ppt/.pptx (I also don't know what alternative formats for those are, but I know they exist). I currently have to use another app to convert these to PDF on my device first, which can take anywhere from 30 seconds to 3 minutes, depending on the size of the document, and then I have to import the PDFs to Papyrus.
If Papyrus could import these files, it would save me time, and also potentially save users a lot of headaches over messed up formatting, digging up converted files, and hang-ups in conversion programs.

Anonymous commented
Would really love to be able to import .doc files to write on. My online chem classes require notes taken on documents handed out.
[Deleted User] commented
Please add support for more file types! PDF isn't the only thing that exists and .doc and .docx files are very common as well. Please add support for either editing .doc files directly or at the very least, allow us to open .doc files and automatically convert them to PDFs as you open the file in the app. This would simplify all of our workflows and prevent any conversion steps we have to go through, and shouldn't be too hard to implement either.
Chakrapani commented
Calendar as well as schedule could be supported
Gabriel commented
Create an option to import word and power point documents too, you can only import pdf is very limited.
Guilherme commented
abrir aquivos ppt direto no Squid com o objetivo de agilizar os estudos.
Anonymous commented
插入文档像word ppt 等
Trevor White commented
It would be great if you could import Google Formats (Google Docs, Google Presentation, Google Sheets) and even Microsoft Formats (.docx, etc). It would make things much faster when I create a document in Google Docs to be able to import directly into Squid. Instead of creating Google Doc, exporting in Google Docs to pdf then importing into Squid. I create my teaching templates in Google Docs and sometimes Google Presentation, and then I like to import into Squid to annotate as I teach, and right now there are extra steps to do this.
Hamzah Malik commented
Being able to insert powerpoints directly would be a huge timesaver
David commented
100% agree. Import Word documents so that I can take notes on them. Ideally be able to add spaces inbetween so I can fit hand written notes on each point.
Hongmin Ahn commented
I do like to import MS Word and PPT files as well as Google doc.
Anonymous commented
It will be useful to be able to add word doc. TO Papyrus
Anonymous commented
great app just which you could of import powerpoint files also. As most student/lecturer files are in powerpoint
Anonymous commented
ppt use
Jackie commented
PLUS PLUS PLUS. It would be less annoying if we can import a bulk of pdfs at once. Even if they are not integrated into one note. Just make us able to add a number of pdfs into squid, whether in the untitled note folder or any other folder. If they can be imported in to untitled note at once, at least we can select them and then arrange them within squid.
eriduense enki sumer commented
I shall see that very much !!
That shall be fantastic !! -
hes11th commented
As others have mentioned, there are was to get around this, instead what we need is the ability to create folders and subfolders. That would be much more helpful right now.
Peter Brookes-Smith commented
For me, the workaround is straightforward. There are other things I need much more than this.
Anonymous commented
So true.. I would love to be able to import more files without having to convert them!
Anonymous commented
I currently convert ppt to PDF but it can sometimes be a pain to do. Would love to be able to open an annotate ppt files.
Jaideep Chitnis commented
Being able to import PPT files and annotate them with the same efficacy as is possible with PDF is required very urgently,
Quite happy to pay additional for it as a PREMIUM feature.