Organize pages
Would be nice to organize pages like delete a single page, move a page in front of other, and so on

You can now easily view all pages in a note by tapping the current page number while in a note!
From this screen you can long press a page, then drag and drop to move the page anywhere in the note.
You can also bulk delete pages in a note by long pressing a page, then tap any additional pages you want to delete, then tap the delete button in the action bar at the top.
In addition, you can clear the current page, select everything on the current page, delete the current page, and insert a page or PDF before or after the current page by long pressing on the current page number.
We’ll continue to add functionality to the page management screen, such as making it easier to insert pages and PDFs, as well as duplicating pages. Stay tuned!
Katie commented
I agree, and would also like to be able to change the order of pages within a note
TheDiveO commented
I'm seconding this, as well as the function to reorder pages as well.
King commented
I agree. Being able to delete a page within a note is a must have feature. I currently have about six notes that have a blank last page because I can't delete it. Developers, please add the ability to delete pages within notes.