Organize pages
Would be nice to organize pages like delete a single page, move a page in front of other, and so on

You can now easily view all pages in a note by tapping the current page number while in a note!
From this screen you can long press a page, then drag and drop to move the page anywhere in the note.
You can also bulk delete pages in a note by long pressing a page, then tap any additional pages you want to delete, then tap the delete button in the action bar at the top.
In addition, you can clear the current page, select everything on the current page, delete the current page, and insert a page or PDF before or after the current page by long pressing on the current page number.
We’ll continue to add functionality to the page management screen, such as making it easier to insert pages and PDFs, as well as duplicating pages. Stay tuned!
Anonymous commented
Please address the issue ASAP. The app feels half baked without page management features
kengon commented
So what gives? Is this going to get addressed or not?!?! O.o #annoyed
Eric Han commented
Yes, this feature is absolutely necessary! I hope to see it in the next iteration of updates. After all its been almost 2 years
dieg0nline commented
I need this option too
Anonymous commented
I believe the papyrus is the best handwriting program but it not support right to left writing in the page setup.
Please solve this problem -
Arthur Connal commented
This ONE special feature (deleting a page) if not deleting and organizing pages would make Papyrus a KILLER APP!
We need this so much that I wouldn't even mind paying 3 bucks for it.
Please, consider strongly. I like Papyrus and don't want to switch to another app. -
ticiano oliver commented
Please answer us regarding this suggestion. Its been quite a while
Vimal commented
Yes. This is needed very badly.
Luis Beratto commented
This feature is extremely necesary. In this moment there is no way of deleting orfans pages or reorganizing them.
gary commented
Really need this feature. I will be looking for another note pad, if this isnt implemented soon
Tae-yi Kim commented
We really need this feature.
Rob Freeman commented
"An idea you voted for (delete and reorder) has been merged with a similar idea:"
Come on Papyrus, please prioritise this. It's an ESSENTIAL function that's missing and even more-so now there's a 'Presentation mode' - how can we re-order 'slides'???
yomna.safaa.eldin commented
Planned since 2012?!!! We really need these features like in S Note
Joanna Pelphrey commented
It would be nice to be able to delete pages within a document to eliminate unnecessary blank or no longer needed notes. I have a 12 page note & only 1 page used. The only solution to this I can see is to create a new note & rewrite the only page needed, then save the new note & delete the 13 page note. When page delete - available in other apps would be so useful - since this is the app I prefer to use.
Anonymous commented
This is must
Anonymous commented
Totally agree. I import a PDF with a bunch of questions I need to make sure I ask an interviewee and I always need to add a page(s) for things that come up that are beyond what is in the PDF.
Sybil de Clark commented
Yes that's the feature I find myself missing most often. Inserting blank pages too, but that could easily be done by moving blank new blank ones if we could move the pages.
Anonymous commented
Also adding a single page to an existing PDF document for taking some notes at University.
Acki Bastelwastel commented
No way to delete a page? Are you kidding?
Anonymous commented
most definitely, this is extremely important!