Different background color implementation. Black background
Be able to change background color to any color and grid lines or dot lines. Ex. Black background and green lines, or any color from your pallet for the background and grid lines.

Anonymous commented
Its ******* the eyes at night even if you dim the brightness level. Ive been reverting back to samsung notes because of this. I dont think this will be granted though. Its been requested for a long time now. I might just quit this app aswell because of this.
Edgar Sierra commented
It would be awesome to have for example black paper with grid or have a normal sheet with double or triple grid columns.
Victor Marcelino commented
A simple partial solution to this would be adding to the page background presets a blank-black and/or a black with blue rules. That would already be a HUGE improvement to the eye strain caused by the display and the battery drain, specially in amoled screens
Anonymous commented
Users have been suggesting this idea for years, but it seems to fall on deaf ears....even my old, old Linux app Xournal allows you to choose any color from a color palette for page colors. This and syncing to google drive would make the app perfect, since it is already so lag-free and easy to use... I don't understand why they won't implement these 2 suggestions... Silly. I don't use the app any longer based on these two features not being available.
Diego Spinola commented
this would be a great addition to the software...
ask Ding commented
change background color of PDF files 。or
night mode -
Anonymous commented
Other than white
Anonymous commented
Yes, this would be fantastic... BLACK background, please!
Heather commented
Yes, please! Just started using this app on a Chromebook and I'm in love except for the glaring white background. A sepia option or just the ability to customize background to any color would be fantastic!
Karthik commented
Make a black background that allows the app to turn into a make shift blackboard. It is much easier on the eyes and the screen!! Thanks
Vinicius Capitulino commented
Please, we need a dark background. All apps have this feature.
Jack T commented
+1 for this. Andrew can we get an update on your post from August of 2016?
"Yes, adding the color option for other backgrounds is on our todo list. We didn't want that to block getting the blank page color option out the door, so we just started with that. ;-)"
Vitor commented
Black background would be perfect for saving battery and great contrast, while avoiding being exposed to too much light
Oli commented
I really just wanted a pure black background for when I'm taking notes while playing games. But this feature would be a nice extension of that
Jack commented
This is a great idea.
Chukwudi commented
Options for different color backgrounds for notes
Olga commented
The ability to change the standard background (cell, ruler, empty) to any own background or the ability to change the background color.
Translated from:
Возможность менять фон страницы на любой свой файл из галлереи
Возможность менять стандартный фон (клетка, линейка, пустой) на любой собственный фон или возможность менять цвет заднего фона.