Please submit one idea at a time. If your idea already exists, vote on it rather than submitting a new idea. If there’s something specific you’d like to mention, add a comment. This helps us quickly see what ideas are most important to our users. Thanks for your feedback!
882 results found
Make a internet windows, so you can copy an sentence or picture, from the internet, to the note directly, without close the app first
Make a internet windows, so you can copy an sentence or picture, from the internet, to the note directly, without close the app first
10 votes -
Pan tool
Notability has a "finger" tool where you can select it and pan with the pen. Sometimes I just want to show others what's on my tablet and easily pan without having to use 2 fingers. Sometimes using 2 fingers can be a little obnoxious.
10 votes -
Automatic close toolbox menu
Close Toolbox automatically when selection of tool is made ( after clicking on pen, the menu for choosing tool closes automatically) .. so: one click less.
10 votes -
Let me access my notes from my tablet on my computer as well.
A computer app so i can get to my notes from my computer as well as my tablet.
10 votes -
Choose note when importing image
Right now when you "share" an image with Squid, it automatically makes a new note. It would be really useful if you could first choose the note where you want your image.
10 votes -
Adding pop up arrow keys for positioning shapes and images
Adding a pop up set of arrows (left,right,up,down, rotate left, roatate right) to allow accurate positioning of shapes and images on screen (movement steps user-defined by no. of pixels per click)
It can sometimes be cumbersome using your finger/stylus to make small accurate moves to shapes/images
An input for scaling objects numerically also useful (i.e. scale up by a factor of 2 or scale down by .5 etc.)Like a "drag" button
10 votes -
Update page functionality in Windows app
Better page navigation in Windows App (maybe always show "app commands" rather than hiding? ... or, a swipe/gesture to flip through pages)
10 votes -
Converting selected hand written/drawn text/image into formula
We should enable to select the hand witten or drawn text/image and convert into math/chemistry/physics formula.
9 votes -
Search bar, rotate, note separators and Palm Rejection
Added a search bar to search for notes, an option to rotate a selected region, added a way to make note separators and a way to enable "Palm Rejection"
9 votes -
Search and tags
Your application is really nice, but you should add the possibility of adding tags to the notes. The main interface should feature search capabilities of words in the title and in the tags. As the number of notes grows it becomes really complicated and not effective to look for some notes, even when sorting for name or date.
9 votes -
Copy and paste pdf content into another note
Currently you can only copy/paste what you type/draw but make it so that you can copy entire pages i.e. imported pdf content + your inputs and paste it into a separate note.
Now we can only duplicate the page, within the same note but I would like to move or duplicate the page into another note. Thank you
9 votes -
Import from Google Classroom
The ability to import a PDF, GDoc, Word Doc, etc. from Google classroom directly into Squid would really help our students. At a minimum the ability to import a PDF from Google Classroom directly in Squid would be superb! The way to do this now is a lot of clicking and in different windows/apps. With this feature the student would never leave Squid. This feature would be the exact opposite of exporting to Google Classroom. I think it would be a time saver and reduce the confusion for students.
9 votes -
allow to switch users on the squid application
When I use my Chromebook for work I am logging in with my company account. While in Chrome, I am able to switch between my company and my personal google accounts, but when I open the Squid application it considers by default my company account.
I would like to be able to swap in Squid to my personal account (which is a Premium account) in order to be able to use all the functionality.9 votes -
Transparency option for line, square, and citcle
It will be great if the square, line, and circle tools have transparency option in addition to the highlighter.
Since the highlighter is not drawn as straight line automatically (which is also not bad), I use the square option for highlighting sentences or words.
For this, the transparency option will be wonderful.9 votes -
More Default Note Options
Would be great to have several options for default notes. E.g. ability to set up a template with a combination of squid notes and imbedded pdfs which could be opened as needed
9 votes -
Insert an image as a page instead of insert into a page.
Just like a pdf file, it is good if we can insert an image as a page and annotate on it more faster.
9 votes -
Mark up Screenshot
It would be nice if you implement a Screenshot function. When I mark up for example a Picture at a PDF in Squid to copy this to the next slide.
9 votes -
Scale/measure on imported pdf's.
It would be really nice to measure distances on a scaled imported PDF. I use the PDF import feature to bring in scaled drawings all the time, but I can't measure distances and provide immediate feedback to those types of questions for my work.
9 votes -
Limit range of pressure sensitivity
Limit the range of pressure sensitivity
9 votes -
Search by Title, Date or Location
I would love to be able to search titles, dates and locations.
If you could pull up a map that would have a marker where you have created notes and then click the marker and it would bring up all notes made at that location.
A built in pdf scanner would be incredible as well.
Nonetheless, this is a fantastic app that is perfectly suited for my work and I have gladly payed for premium for years.Thanks,
Joey8 votes
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