For lecture pdf note taking. I am always undecided about whether to use pdf annoate apps or something like lecture notes mainly just because when saved as pdf instead of an image, you can always search the study terms easily and copy them as txt to create study materials or flashcards using apps. However the technology might take time to run. Haha. Anyway.thanks to this forum. ..(On the other hand, you can also make an option to have the index of the page as the txt of the pdf when importing. So that i can seach the words I want in the seaching bar by index.)
For lecture pdf note taking. I am always undecided about whether to use pdf annoate apps or something like lecture notes mainly just because when saved as pdf instead of an image, you can always search the study terms easily and copy them as txt to create study materials or flashcards using apps. However the technology might take time to run. Haha. Anyway.thanks to this forum. ..(On the other hand, you can also make an option to have the index of the page as the txt of the pdf when importing. So that i can seach the words I want in the seaching bar by index.)