Add Google Drive as a Cloud Backup Option
Support for Google Drive storage via cloud backup.

Support for Google Drive is now available for everyone on Google Play, along with a major update to cloud backup! Backups are now created at the note level, meaning only the notes that were created or edited since the last backup will be uploaded to Drive. As a result, backups are now MUCH faster and can easily resume after being interrupted.
This has been a long time coming, so thanks for your patience. Please try it out and let us know if you have any feedback!
Anonymous commented
The fact that this has not been implemented yet is shameful and a mismanagement of resources. You have been highlighted by Google and have had a ton of business driven to you, and yet with these new resources there is still not a solution for this. It is because of this I have stayed with iOS and OS X.
I believe this company is in need of new management who will hire the coding team that can properly support such an app. Sounds like this is a space for a great deal of disruption based on the lack of innovation this company is putting forth.
Anonymous commented
Why has this not been implemented yet. As others have said, it's been years since automatic cloud storage back up with Google drive was requested. AT LEAST make an option for automatic backups to local storage, and then it can be pointed at the Google drive local folder. This would give the requested functionality. This missing feature is keeping my work place from integrating squid across the board, since we switched to Google drive cloud services over a year ago. If it's a technical issue, try harder, figure it out, that's how those work.
Cale Kaupp commented
You need to at least add support for Chromebook devices. Not having Drive support is a huge negative.
Anonymous commented
Using another app because of this issue...
Bart Van den Bosch commented
"Please encourage your favorite cloud storage provider (i.e. Google Drive) to fully support the Android Storage Access Framework (as stated in the above letter)"
Why is this a problem? So many other apps allow synchronisation via Google Drive? If they can, why not Squid? -
Anonymous commented
100% will not use because there is no Google sync, sadly just purchased premium as I had liked the feel of it more than keep.... Going back to keep until this feature is added
Anonymous commented
This functionality really needs to be added. Its super frustrating having all my school files on my university provided google account, and then having to make a dropbox account just for this. Its been four years since this was requested.
Anonymous commented
Use would explode if this feature were added. Cloud is about portability, so any organization moving to the cloud would ignore this product since it isn't portable.
Vivian Lee commented
This has been asked for months (years, even). When are you going to listen to your userbase and finally implement it? It cannot be that difficult.
Paul Barrette commented
In order for schools to even consider this app for their students, backup and sync to Google Drive must be added. So many K12 schools are providing touch screen Chromebooks to their students and Squid would be a great solution.
Brandon Philips commented
Love the product and purchased pro subscription to hopefully support this feature
David Sikes commented
Yes! It's so hard to justify paying for premium when so few services are supported.
Carmelino Guiao commented
Google drive and one drive is needed for backup
Donovan commented
google drive is a must.
Jason commented
Yes, Google drive here. Also, synchronization between platforms would be excellent. I use the Windows version as well as the Android version. Though, the Windows version need's a great deal of updating.
Eddie Quezada commented
This is the only feature keeping me from recommending this to everyone over Nebo! :(
Guy Rosenfeld commented
Is there a way to open a document from Google Drive and save the changes into the document on the drive?
Matt Coddington commented
this app eats Google Keep's lunch! LOVE the funtionality! Add the ability to sync to Google Drive, and sync across devices, and you'll have a REAL winner!!!
Anonymous commented
i agree with syncing across device platforms. why can i not view what i have written on my pixelbook chromebook on my pixel 2 phone or on my samsung tablet, etc, etc?
If you guys wanna beat OneNote or EverNote or every other app out there, this is an easy homerun.
Maks Žbogar commented
Backup to Cloud, should contain Google Drive. I agree.