Fewer clicks to switch tools
I'd like to have fewer clicks to change tools. Like changing from pencil to eraser or shapes. Maybe there could be a quick change or some defaults.
To change tools, you have to
1. click the tools menu
2. Click the tab of the tool
3. Choose the specific tool
4. Click out of the menu
Then, you can start using it. And that is without changing any tool options.

This is one of our top priorities for the Squid10 note editor.
db commented
I think at a minimum the pen and highlighter tool should be separate. I constantly switch between this two tools while annotating PDFs. It would be nice if we could have preset parameters for each tool as well.
Anonymous commented
Leonid Shleymovich commented
Instead of fewer clicks, it could be faster and easier to manage clicks.
How about double tap on the same particular tool would close menu and would allow you to use that tool immediately.
As an alternative to your listed items 3 and 4 you would need fast double click on specific tool.
ran bonfil commented
Great idea to line up the tools on the toolbar instead of inside a menu
Jimmy Jen commented
FYI, while wrting (in pencil mode), you can always use your finger as eraser - I found this is quicker than clicking...
freedomispopular commented
Yeah, I'd rather see all the tools lined up in the action bar.
Anonymous commented
You could get fewer clicks if we customize it by adding more items to the toolbar. I have space in my toolbar that could be used.
Anonymous commented
My idea:
Press tool, hold, drag to preferred tool, let go.
Easy and fast way of doing it. -
Larry E commented
Maybe you could have a settable default for each selection (ie if I choose eraser, it defaults to the regular eraser with a certain size. Then, if you want to change the eraser type/size, you could Long-Click on the eraser to bring up the next set of options.
דרור יפרח commented
Make it possible to erase anything by just scrumble on it with the pencil tool
For example you can check it on one note in thinkpad tablet. -
Armin Weber commented
Papyrus is really nice and fewer clicks when using would improve it even more!
Jay Hwang commented
Refer to app "write". Although it has poor interface but it's great to write with pen: easy to erase, ruled note, etc
Jimmy Jen commented
I have Samsung Note 2. While writing with S Pen, I can use my finger to erase (which is only good to erase larger area), then continue to write with S Pen. However, I also find the need to have a eraser button at bottom tool bar so that I can have finer control to erase only the things I want to erase.
Kridshanop Ngambenchakul commented
I usually use "Pen", "Selection" and "Eraser".
Anonymous commented
The toolbar as a whole could be reworked. Look at some apps like photshop and sketchup that do a marvelous job of minimizing a huge amount of tools while exposing those needed quickly.
Anonymous commented
YES!! Just switching between eraser and pen would be enough. It's common, and takes too many clicks right now.
Bert van Brakel commented
maybe an option to show the tools in an expanded or collapsed form? single direct button for each option would be great at times. Maybe per note option.
Timy Yoga commented
-> At least "pen" and "eraser" should be accessible directly without any further clicks! -
Danny commented
Add in a toolbox with pen settings that and colors that can be moved anywhere on the screen and disappears when writing or doing any activity.
Anonymous commented