Fewer clicks to switch tools
I'd like to have fewer clicks to change tools. Like changing from pencil to eraser or shapes. Maybe there could be a quick change or some defaults.
To change tools, you have to
1. click the tools menu
2. Click the tab of the tool
3. Choose the specific tool
4. Click out of the menu
Then, you can start using it. And that is without changing any tool options.

This is one of our top priorities for the Squid10 note editor.
Muhammet Ali Asan commented
I have signup to request this feature
Park commented
Make line, square tool hot key underbar
Bruno Pires commented
"This small feature would make this app 100 times better" - Paul Silvestri.
I really agree!! -
Shaun Dowling commented
this would improve my experience of squid massively. by far the best note-taking app i've come across but my workflow is painfully slowed because of this clunkiness - you don't even have to think much about it, so many solid suggestions below.
my suggestion would just be to cut out one of the steps, so allow the different tools be be available on the toolbar instead of having to tap the current tool first. i'm on a chromebook and that extra click just ruins my experience when i'm jumping between sketching and selecting (which i often feel the need to do)
Leonardo Baleon commented
This still isn't implemented after 5 YEARS..?
Chris Alves commented
I agree with the ability to choose between writing, selecting, and inputting text without dealing with a drop-down menu.
Jonathan Ng commented
I made my own ticket, but this ticket is popular and similar so I'll drop it here as well...
Currently, it takes up to THREE taps to do something, (1) opening the menu icon, (2) browsing the submenu and (3) making a selection. This can be shortened to just ONE tap when using the tool/color menu. When hovering over a menu/submenu with a mouse, finger, or stylus, the menu/submenu should immediately open without a tap. With touchpads/mouses, clicks should be used to make a selection. When using a STYLUS/FINGER, the user should be able to hold on the menu icon, drag to the selection, and release to make the selection (menus/submenus should open as soon as touched).
This implementation should be relatively EASY for the developer to add in, so if you like the sound of it, please upvote to get it some attention.
http://feedback.squidnotes.com/forums/177239-general/suggestions/38802388-quick-hover-tool-color-select -
Jonathan Ng commented
Currently, it takes up to THREE taps to do something, (1) opening the menu icon, (2) browsing the submenu and (3) making a selection. This can be shortened to just ONE tap when using the tool/color menu. When hovering over a menu/submenu with a mouse, finger, or stylus, the menu/submenu should immediately open without a tap. With touchpads/mouses, clicks should be used to make a selection. When using a STYLUS/FINGER, the user should be able to hold on the menu icon, drag to the selection, and release to make the selection (menus/submenus should open as soon as touched).
Zachary Gateley commented
When you are on the select tool (nothing selected) and you select a new color, change the tool to the last used color-using tool.
For example: I am writing with the pencil In blue. I select the crop tool and move something around. I unselect all. I then change the color to black. The pencil tool should be automatically selected since color means nothing with the crop tool, and changing the color with nothing selected indicates intent to change to a color-using tool.
If I want to use black for something other than the pencil, that's fine, I will select that tool. I will have to do as many clicks as I would with the current system. But in no case will I want to use that new color for the selection tool. I predict that for the majority of usage, reverting to the last used color tool will be what the user wants.
FILIPPO commented
This is most needed!
Renzo commented
Please display both the pen AND the eraser at the same time and you ll get loads of new premium customers, starting with me ;)
David Han commented
Similar to this thread here.
David Han commented
Bump! Still waiting for these features after many years. Makes switching tools and colors a lot faster.
Anonymous commented
Botões de ferramentas
Gruff commented
Seconded. It's bad UX having the tool selector be a DDL with an option box that obscures the drawing space because it adds clicks and remains in the way after the user has chosen a tool. The five tools should all be on the main menu bar and the option box behind either another button or a long press on the tool.
Olivier Rymann commented
+1 please do that!¨i'm a paid user and i waste so much time just to change color etc.
Anonymous commented
It takes too much time to change tool
Nanta commented
Want to put the tool bar into one long line, which has all the tools placed together. it is convenient to change the tools for note taking. because I use the phone to note. and want to increase the rotation and increase the existing shape...thanks
Anonymous commented
Started using squid to take notes more and a fast toolbar is really necessary!
Anonymous commented
I hope to increase the ability to automatically switch to the default brush after using the eraser. Goodnote on the IOS platform has this feature.
After all, there are only a few parts of the mistake, and using the eraser to automatically switch to a brush can greatly improve the writing efficiency.