Fewer clicks to switch tools
I'd like to have fewer clicks to change tools. Like changing from pencil to eraser or shapes. Maybe there could be a quick change or some defaults.
To change tools, you have to
1. click the tools menu
2. Click the tab of the tool
3. Choose the specific tool
4. Click out of the menu
Then, you can start using it. And that is without changing any tool options.

This is one of our top priorities for the Squid10 note editor.
Andy Jiang commented
For example, on screens larger than 9", move the eraser and highlighter tools out outside the tools tab and put them alongside the pen icon. This will make for less clicks/taps to get erasing/highlighting done.
Jeff commented
Should have a "Favorite tools" section. Something like five or six buttons we can customize for one-click access to our favorite pens/tools.
Jeff commented
Should have a "Favorite tools" section. Something like five or six buttons we can customize for one-click access to our favorite pens/tools.
Daniel Paight commented
Yep! This is why I'm here today. There is plenty of space on the screen to spread the menu into a row of icons.
Anonymous commented
Agree with this request! Slow selection disrupts creativity!
Erich commented
Yes, request is 7 yrs old.
And a lot of the requests are very old.
This is April 2020 -
Armin Weber commented
Written on June 22nd 2013: "It is very annoying to switch between pen, eraser, shapes. If you would give each of them a single icon to switch, it would be muuuuuch more comfortable to use."
Anonymous commented
Is investigated since 2012, it sure will be an excellent solution then
Anonymous commented
Dated 2013, today we have 2020, wow that has to be difficult...
Anonymous commented
Wished since 2013, this has to be rocket science...
Jonathan Horch commented
We need this feature as soon as possible. This would safe so much time, switching between different tools.
임경희 commented
그리기 기능과 지우개기능을 분리해 주시면 사용하기 더 편할듯 합니다~
필기하다가 지우개로 바꾸고 다시 펜으로 바꾸면서 쓰기 불편하네요~ 기간도 걸리고~ -
Alyssia commented
A drag able pop out menu that we can change the size on like changing a window on the computer we can send fave colors and pen styles, notes would look better in class with less clicking ... love the app
Juan commented
Could you possibly make the selection bar also close automatically after you selected a certain feature just like you did with the selection of colors? It closes directly after I selected a color.
Anonymous commented
Most wished! Suggested while named Papyrus, seems to take a while... another five to ten years maybe?
James T commented
Yes! Even better, a circle palette that can be triggered with the S Pen button!
Armin Weber commented
What is written here I posted years ago in the Papyrus time, i wonder why they do nothing just take the bucks, Korinther is greeting
Aeryn Smith commented
Like common pen colours and sizes as with one note on ios
Erich commented
Requested on Feb 2014?
And still not implemented?
What kind of service is this? -
eris discord commented
such an old request for such an essential and highly simple ux change I'm thinking of cancelling my year subscription if I don't see a fix. Simply replace current tool icon for extra tools and add two single tap icons for pen and text tool, the two most used and essential tools