Sync between devices
I would like to have my notes automatically appear on my other devices with Squid installed. e.g. Create a note on device A and it appears on device B. If possible allow editing too from that device.
I wanted to provide an update on this in light of our recent major update to make backups work at the note level along with our new support for Google Drive. These were both major milestones on the way to support sync. Now that backups work at the note level, we plan to continue our work to build a sync solution that works across devices using cloud storage provides like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Box. The advantage to this approach is that we continue to have zero access to your note data. Everything lives on your device and your selected cloud storage provider. However, this also means the solution must be resilient to users modifying data in the cloud (intentional or not). We don't have an ETA yet, but this continues to be one of our highest priorities. We really appreciate your patience and feedback on this idea!
Stefan Weinzierl commented
Somehow the possibility to share Single notebooks or page seems to hea relevant feature especially, when you want to collaborate with others.
Full of Ideas commented
I wonder if syncing to Evernote (to get OCR support, as requested ) would also make it possible to then sync between devices?
Anonymous commented
The best would be if sync could be done with cloud stora ges like dropbox and/or directly with known services like Google, Facebook etc.
Eleanor Hogan commented
Happy to pay premium for this feature
Justin McNairy commented
This is an important feature that need to be add to Papyrus. With that, Papyrus would be my default note-taking app for classes. Support for Google Drive is a plus!
Roman Barczyński commented
I think saving each note to separate file would be a good start. It'd have numerous advantages:
1. sharing note in "original" format via any service (cloud, email, bluetooth, etc) would allow to import back note on another device,
2. notes could be kept (by user choice) on cloud drive, opened from there (papyrus should allow this, not only import, but open like text/doc editors do),
3. automatic sync would be easier with each note separate, for starters user could decide which conflicting version to keep when note was edited on both devices.Samsungs S Note app keeps notes this way and you can use Drive or Dropbox to edit notes from there.
学 賢進 commented
Please get it working with Google.
Clayton Jones commented
I couldn't agree more with this suggestions or the comments above me. This would put Papyrus over the top. The current backup/restore option is a nice placeholder but I've already found myself taking a note on my phone, then my tablet later that day and not backing one or the other up. So if I restore on either device I'd lose my notes!
Auto-sync for Papyrus would push me further away from having to use Evernote and closer to using only one app...Papyrus!!!
David Gawlowski commented
Absofreakinlutely! Need to add to notebooks from either my 5 or 10" note! Ok to just view from computer so scheduled export to pdf, or just with every sync would be great too.
Ryan Springer commented
Definitely a must have feature!
andrew.w commented
Great you can export to Dropbox, but an automatic sync function would be better.
Gustav Delius commented
When I open a pdf file from within my Dropbox on my Android tablet in Adobe Reader and then add notes to that pdf file, then those changes get synched to all my computers automatically by the Dropbox app. Similarly when I open a .doc file from within my Dropbox it opens in Polaris office and any modifications are saved back to dropbox and automatically synced. So it seems that the app does not have to do anything special beyond being able to work with files saved in the dropbox folder rather than its own folder.
We completely agree that sync is very important. We have had plans since the beginning to provide not only syncing between devices to keep all your notes up-to-date, but also real-time syncing for sharing and creating notes with other people.
Since this is more difficult and will take longer to solve we wanted to add backup and restore capabilities to Papyrus first. Please stay tuned and continue to comment and vote up this idea as we continue to develop it.
Brandon Garlock commented
I commented on a similar suggestion but this would be soooooo great.
Aaron Mitchell Davis commented
The sharing feature sort of does this, but having the ability to auto-sync would be a very good feature.
Anonymous commented
Agreed on synching over backup. Once Papyrus gets dropbox synch (and Google Drive...), then I'll start using the app A LOT more on my several andorid phones and tablets.
I just feel like what I enter into my phone (Galaxy Note) is going into something of a black hole when I know in the afternoon I'll be using my ThinkPad Tablet. If everything were synched to the cloud, then I could enter notes with confidence.