Fewer clicks to switch tools
I'd like to have fewer clicks to change tools. Like changing from pencil to eraser or shapes. Maybe there could be a quick change or some defaults.
To change tools, you have to
1. click the tools menu
2. Click the tab of the tool
3. Choose the specific tool
4. Click out of the menu
Then, you can start using it. And that is without changing any tool options.

This is one of our top priorities for the Squid10 note editor.
Jason commented
This is a must, however, this has been recommended many times over the years with no action. This is the best writing app on Android, and while some people don't agree with me, I am OK with a yearly subscription IF, and only IF you are taking that fee and improving the app. I use the app every day, every day... and have done so for years, back when it was Papyrus. Over the past couple years I have not seen any improvements. Yes there is likely some things in the background, but you have a long list of recommended user interface features that I believe could be done easily. If you truly want a top notch app, then give us some improvements. If you don't, then people will start to look at other options....
Some ideas 1. fast tool bar so we can have custom pens/highlighters/shapes and color combinations, 2. the ability to open a new note based on a pdf background, and every time you add a page that pdf is used as the background, not the standard grid note. 3. Backup notes to Google Drive or other cloud based storage
Greg commented
A five year old request, one of the highest voted, and no Dev comment. I guess it's safe to assume I shouldn't get my hopes up? That's not very inspiring considering this is little more than a UI update. It's not even asking for new functionality.
Anonymous commented
P L E A S E do that. I have to click 7 times to adjust pen/color/size everytime i want to write titles, subtitles and body. I use squid everyday, it's very annoying after 1hour writing. Would be also great to have a shortcut to selected combinations of pens/highlighter. THE TOOL BAR HAS A LOT OF EMPTY SPACE.
Anonymous commented
Just put a switch between pen & highlighter button pleaseeeeee!!! It would be so useful!
Anonymous commented
This would be soooo helpful! Even just one toggle in the blue bar for switching between pen & highlighter mode would improve UX massively.
Paul Silvestri commented
This small feature would make this app 100 times better
Anonymous commented
Pleas I'm begging for you guys, pls make this app a perfect one, just by simply moving the tools from this sub-menu to the tool bar !!!!!!! Its a simple tiny easy update, Pls show the apple guys with their app (goodnotes) that squid is the best !!!!
Biff Bird commented
I would love to be able to easily switch between pen sizes too, like saving a palette of sizes or something. I usually use 0.3 mm when I'm writing, but I prefer larger sizes when I'm annotating pdfs or drawing. The slider bar for size can be finicky when trying to set a specific size.
TS commented
+1 so much wäre in a Chromebook
Chris commented
Exactly what I'm looking for too. So much screen real-estate on a Chromebook going to waste.
Matusalém Lustosa commented
Oh, this is totally essential!!!
Fa commented
I would suggest the same. Could be a frequntly used tool bar or you can create a set of your favorite tool/color.
David Han commented
As mentioned earlier, Chromebooks have a lot of space for quick access to the options on the toolbars. I would like the option to switch colors by just tapping once or even touching the lasso tool. Give us the ability to customize the toolbar.
Daniele Coppola commented
Please add a fast tool bar to qickly change color, pen and others without having to click 1000 times on the top menu
Anonymous commented
YES. Pen, Marker, Eraser and Lasso
Hamzah Malik commented
This is super important! Chromebooks have so much room in the top bar to add one click actions between tools (pen and eraser)
Anonymous commented
I saw th comments about your app and i think i will like. But there is something very important for me that no app has, except the drawboard.... is the fact of having the possibility of having more than 1, at least 10, different pens always in the screen. That is, i loose lot of time changing the color and the type of pen. I want to switch easily.
John commented
I am 100% behind this. Any news from the developers that they are working on something like this? There are a lot of people who want this!
Anonymous commented
I want to switch easily between pen entry and finger entry. I hate having 8 or more taps to go from one to the other. It oughta be just one or two, please.
Greg Martin commented
While maybe not the most useful tool on phones, due to their limited screen size, this feature would be great for us laptop users. All that's needed is the ability to set some button/icons that would sit just to the left of your standardized tools. When clicked they would apply their preset tool profile to the cursor. I would like to be able to preset the size, color, tool (pen, highlighter, lasso ect).
Initially a simple settings menu gui to create these would be great, but maybe in the future you could drag and drop tools onto the top bar to 'dock' them. Once there you could long press or something similar to change that tool profiles attributes, but that really doesn't affect the major use of the feature.
Thanks for your consideration