Add the ability to backup, export, and/or save to SD card
With the costs of micro SD card very cheap, this would be an option that would be of use to the average user.

Papyrus 2.0 is rolling out with the ability to create and restore backups locally to your device or SD card. Just open the Papyrus settings and choose “Backup and restore” then “Local backup”. In addition, when exporting individual notes to PDF, PNG, or JPEG, you can choose “Save to device” to save the exported note to your device or SD card.
Raúl F commented
Hi, there. I started using Squid in a Samsung Chromebook Plus, and i can't do a manual backup to the SDcard. Squid sees, it, i can navigate into it, but the save button is always greyed out (other android apps in my chromebook can read & wirite to the SD card).
Anonymous commented
How do I make my SD card the default location for my notes?
Thierry commented
No such menus on Squid for Windows10, you're stuck with "Share" to "Mail" app which is buggy so it's a deadend
So frustrating ! -
Anonymous commented
How I save to device is I use the email option as if I was sending it to someone which would bring the file to the email compose screen. I then right click on the file and click save which will save to device. That is the only way I have been able to do it. Would be nice to directly save to device instead.
Joel Golden commented
Does squid save to SD card or not?
Anonymous commented
Am I simply able to move everything to my SD card
Cheri Earp commented
I keep reading where you can now backup papyrus to SD card. But it doesn't work with the new Squid app. I need to be able to backup my note to an SD card or Android Memory Stick. If this request has already been addressed, please tell me where I can download this feature. BTW, I have already subscribed to the yearly payment so I should be allowed all the new features right?
Bardyaa Hesaam commented
not completed.
I have it on my surface pro 4, and I can't export to pdf files. The share command gives a list of applications, all useless.
MAlexArc commented
I'm not able to save to Sd card, I'm stuck because I don't have enough space to export one of my notes in my device and really appreciated if you fix this issue.
Thank you. -
ANowak commented
yeah, it would be much easier to let other apps do the syncing...
golda commented
For now you can only set interval for cloud storage. I think it would make this program much more flexible if you let this happen also for e.g. sd card. From there anyone can sync however he likes usgin foldersync, bittorrent sync tasker, or any other syncing tool.
Kristian Niemi commented
Not being able to save to a SD-card is a problem, especially since backing up database to dropbox doesn’t work.
My workaround? Backup database locally to the dropbox scratch folder containing the last Squid backup.
... Too bad that can’t be done automatically, periodically.
Anonymous commented
Samsung Note 10.1 Android 4.4.2
"Blackup failed" on SD. -
dWa commented
Backup failed on Samsung Tab 10 2014 with Android 4…
Anonymous commented
SD card is the great invention of IT. You can store large amount of data on a slim micro ship. There is less chance of data security and provides full data security protection. To get more info please visit
Leonardo M. N. de Mattos commented
You should bundle this option with the cloud premium backup feature. It'd add more value to it. Or, instead, at least offer as another premium option. However, not offer it is so lame and feels stingy.
Harish commented
Respected developers, please don't assume that "advanced users" will get their data files after rooting their Android devices. Rooting makes phone more unsafe and there is a possibility to damage system files damaging the Operating system itself.
Allow an option for data to be stored on SD card by default so that even if Device gets physically damaged , notes can be extracted from SD card. How am I going to take a backup to Dropbox if my device becomes unbootable ?
Anonymous commented
I honestly don't even care if it is a file format that I can access. I just want to be able to back the archive up to an SD card b/c the app has failed to upload a full database to the internet in more than 7 months. Even with a fast (50mbps upload) stable internet connection while the device was plugged in and charging.
Anonymous commented
My papyrus occupied 1.9GB, who can tell me how to move notes to external SD??
Thomas Regan commented
Very good idea, would enable users to back up older notes they don't use regularly so cutting down on notes I am app for backing up online