Let us import our own background! Pdf or image
Let us import our own background! Pdf or image

Laura Chalifoux commented
This functionality is already available, and I use it routinely. I often create a custom page background in Squid itself. It does require using a vector graphics app to create color swatches as png images. But all you really need is a small square of opaque white - insert that image and use it to add margins, space for a title at the top, etc,. When you have the background you want, just export it as a PDF. Then you can insert that PDF file as a new page. Duplicate the page to use it repeatedly in the same note. I have dozens of custom page backgrounds - all created in Squid - for many, many formats.
If you need a complex layout, it might make sense to use a graphics app. Any app that creates a file you can convert to a PDF will work: Word, Excel, Adobe Illustrator, whatever. There are hundreds of free planner page layouts online available as a PDF download file. There are hundreds more page designs on Etsy, which you can purchase to download for a few dollars. And of course you can also scan in a physical page to save as a PDF.
It's a shame more people don't realize how easy it is to create or get any custom page backgrounds they want. For me, this is where Squid really shines.
Erich Koch commented
My workaround is an 8.5x11 PDF template with one inch squares, and those subdivided into 4 smaller squares (0,25"). When I print the page they are EXACTLY one inch in size. The one inch squares are slightly darker than the 0.25"sqares. Have one template page that I keep duplicating.
Justin commented
This feature is standard amongst most high-end note-taking apps. I consider Squid to be one of those high-end apps. It has one of, if not "the" best pen to screen interfaces as for as pressure sensitivity and feel, not to mention that I also am paying for it. For it to be released without this common feature is an oversight IMO.
As a software engineer myself, though I don't develop for the Android platform, I don't believe this would be very difficult to implement. The use-case is well documented and examples abound among your competitors.
For this request, repeated so many times over several threads spanning 5+ years, makes me question the developers' committment to the furtherance of the project even though they have chosen a subscripton based payment "scheme". Well then, justify this choice, and provide new features and updates to your users, please.
Anonymous commented
Plz plz plz!!!!!!
I left squid and joined noteshelf, flexil because this option is not provided(since I'm desperate for black backgrounds that will prevent my eyes from falling out), but I am seriously missing squid. If squid has this option then it will, without a doubt, win both apps that I mentioned. -
Anonymous commented
I import a PDF, keep it as a "blank" page master at the beginning or end of the notebook, then keep duplicating that blank page to write on top of. That's my workaround for now
Andy Wang commented
I second this! Right now as a workaround I import a pdf template every time I add a page, but it would be much more convenient to be able to make custom backgrounds for these templates.
Neillm commented
Yes please let us have this option, it was very useful when I used S-note in the past for creating template forms